Thursday, January 22, 2015

SHOUT! know you make me wanna shout!

and another thing...there was a guy who had the Ameican flag upside down...flying it right in front of the We the People over on Edhat, #69 said this guy stomped on the flag, flew it upside down and that PODER was "out of control"...

Julia, #69 by the yellow flag

of course she is lying like Wendy lies...PODER was not out of control in the least and nobody stomped on the flag, that I saw anyway...the teabaggers kept shouting at the guy ..heckling him!! I went back and found some pics, a peek of #69 by the yellow journalism flag and one of the guy holding the flag upside down....

but...flying the flag upside down, stomping on it and /or burning it are forms of protest and protected free speech...even the Boy Scouts burn American flags when they're not being molested by Scoutmasters!

free speech indeed!

so what #69 and her pals are saying is Wendy, their benefactor, is allowed free speech but the guy waving the upside down flag is not....

that is I want a BOYCOTT of the NEWS-PRESS and ANIMAL RESCUE TEAM!! don't send them any money!!! Wendy and Julia, #69 are a couple of douchebags!

ok so that is a very interesting question....a newspaper that strives more to be the news than report the news....hhhhmmm..

the News-Press is closely aligned with FOX remember that FOX was the station who said the French were socialists and called for a boycott of France becasue they were smart enough to stay out of our invasion of Iraq...FOX renamed French Fries, Freedom Fries...just absurd..

so now FOX is in trouble with the French for crazy talk and Islamophobia...and French mocked FOX for its abject stupidity....

all this support for France and Charlie Hebdo by the teabaggers and News-Press is suspect....

how can they support free speech in France, when they don't even understand it in the USA??

1 comment:

District Elections Now said...

So elected official Dale Francisco is photographed on the racist side of the fence. Any photos of which side of the fence elected official Frank Hotchkiss was on? And where was the most sheepishly respected elected official and Paradise Cafe owner Randy Rowse; across the street bossing around a bussboy/diswasher or two?