Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rock the Casbah!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
primal scream...
are you afraid of me? well, you should be...I'm very scary! AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
However, I would suggest a smarter way to capture gang members...get a bait car..ever see that show...the cops set up a nice Cadillac Escalade in a poor neighborhood and make it easy to steal..when a homeboy walks by, he can't resist the urge to jump in and drive off..all this is being monitored by the cops who have the car wired so they can stop it and lock the thief in until they go get him..it is so hilarious to watch these dummies fall for it time after time....and get caught..in the bait car....set that up in Santa Barbara right outside the police station or some other gang infested area and watch what happens!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
old man
imagine, relying on the News-Press for news!! it's purely for my entertainment! it is evident that Lanny has spent his whole life avoiding meaningful work..instead living like a parasite off others who are wealthy....the man has no work ethic! and judging from the repetitive nature of the News-Press editorials, he is in full blown Delirium often leading to Dementia...I have diagnosed this: disorganized thinking, impaired memory, paranoia, global brain dysfunction, and just being a general twit... Lanny's editorials serve as evidence of a mental breakdown... and I can't stop it....
Monday, March 28, 2011
lookin' out my back door...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
west side stories...
those are important questions Anita...and honestly I don't know the answers...or where Jeff Bridges is hiding...but I doubt you'll see any real Mexicans rubbing up against the privleged white girls of Montecito! I mean seriously, look at these folks..the kids are cute enough, but braces on their teeth?? the poor little girl will have dental problems all her life because her parents forced her into orthodontics... it's child abuse as far as I'm concerned!! there is no need to wire your mouths for 3 years so your mom and dad will like your smile....the psychological issue here is mommy and daddy don't accept you the way you are...so they brand you with braces!! and honey, you're gonna pay for it later in life...The Girls: [singing] I like to be in America, OK by me in America, everything free in America..
ok so where was I? oh, a production of West Side Story will be at the Lobero starring some kids from Laguna Blanca, Cremember daddy's legacy: From 1999 to 2007, the Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District inspected Greka facilities 855 times and issued 298 violations. During that period, 203 Greka spills threatened or polluted state waters 20 times, according to Fish and Game.. "Right now I can't think of anybody that is worse than Greka," said Steve Edinger, assistant chief of Fish and Game. "They are the biggest inland oil pollution problem we are dealing with across California. Nobody has our attention like Greka does." Authorities say Greka employees have been spotted covering up oil contamination with fresh dirt and were once caught plugging a corroded storage tank with a tree branch -- accusations the company rejects. The district attorney cited Greka for 104 violations in 2004 after employees were allegedly caught trying to tamper with old pollution-belching engines. Greka settled with the county for $675,000. DeVegvar has said the number of incidents is not out of line with those of other producers when looked at on a per-well basis. But the EPA's Wise said that is true only if Greka wells that aren't in use are counted, too. Greka has spent tens of millions of dollars in upgrades, deVegvar said. The company recently said it was tightening security, and in January announced an environmental initiative dubbed Greka Green. But just a day later, it was hit with an 8,400-gallon spill.
so the Lobero is going to host this travesty! West Side Story...using these horrible excuses for human beings, these people with tons of illegitimate money.. to exploit the gang situation, to make fun of Mexicans, so little white girls can wear braces on their teeth, have better smiles and live the high life in Montecito while their parents drink martinis at the country clubs....wake up kids!! there's a gang injunction downtown, so there may be some trouble at the Lobero on opening night... are your mommy and daddy gonna protect you??....here come the Jets, like a bat out of hell - someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Mansion on a Hill...
so there's this story round town that's about ten years old...that the City Of Santa Barbara was giving loans to select employees to buy houses they couldn't afford...the rank and file were screaming bloody mudder but no one listened..the main beneficiary of the loan program was Chief Camareno Sanchez who we all know should not be Chief of Police...but the award winning Daily Sound did the story yesterday and KEYT chimed in later.. and now everyone is surprised..the award winning News-Press never touched the story...I'll tell you why later...
there was a period in the city's history when the administrators & council played fast and loose with the taxpayers money...former mayor Harriet Miller was in power at the time..the city administrator Sandra Tripp Jones resigned when her finance director was caught funneling city funds to an Orange County derivitve scheme..the city lost 5 million dollars as a result before city employees busted him..he resigned and Tripp Jones left shortly thereafter....the city council was clueless...but the voters kept electing Harriet mayor despite her horrible leadership skills...
I could never figure that out..she was the worst mayor in history but when Wendy came along, they developed a bond and Travis never wrote a bad thing about her..the News-Press just praised her..I think because she was gay and Travis was gay and maybe Harriet and Wendy had a lesbian relationship with some mothering issues thrown in there somewhere for good measure..a weird mother- I- love- you- enough- to- have- sex- with- you kinda thing...a little love nest in the N-P tower?? the psychological term escapes me at the moment...now I have reason to believe this all is true because I don't think Nipper and Wendy have sex because Nipper has been emasculated by Wendy..the psychological term for their relationship escapes me at the moment.....
so right around the time Harriet was mayor the council approved these loans for the chief to buy a big mansion in Santa Barbara...the News-Press never did a story about it..or about the Orange County fiasco because they didn't want to hurt their mommy/lover Harriet....and of course the loans haven't been paid off..so Chief Sanchez owes more on his house than it's worth probably...and since the loan was from the taxpayers, you guys actually are co-owners..and if you need a place to stay, just pack your bags and move in with Cam and his family..rent free...he's your public servant and as the sign over the front door says : mi casa es su casa!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
ok we have two newspapers in town that deserve some recognition..the Daily Sound and the Santa Barbara News-Press...on the front page of each paper was a reminder to the readers that they are reading award winning journals! the News-Press has won awards for...for uh, um..let me see..the caption says: the News-Press Food Section from May 2010 helped the paper win first or second place in lifestyle coverage..from California's Newspapers Publishers Association..."helped the paper win first or second place"...what does that mean??..did they win first place? did they win second place? can't they make up their minds? I don't understand!! for example, if you win an award for something, you get a ribbon or plaque that says First Place...or Second Place...it doesn't say: WINNER EITHER 1st or 2nd Place on the plaque!! you know what I mean? if you are going to toot your own horn, make sure your not blowing into a pennywhistle!!
and then there's KCOY TV..best comedy broadcast award when the newscast froze for 10 minutes and gave us Arturo looking like a drunk, scary illegal alien!
then we got the Daily Sound, who turned 5 years old...they put it on the front page: AWARD WINNING PAPER MARCHES ON..so naturally the News-Press had to have a little blurb about herself...the Daily Sound is a better paper..it's a working class paper..it wasn't handed to the owner from a divorce settlement!! the guy worked for it!
they have an uncensored online comments section that the News-Press would not dare do because of Wendy's love of censorship...so even though the Sound has had rightwing crazies like Gina Perry doing columns, at least they recognized when Gina started to swallow her tongue and got her some help...
unfettered access to information is necessary for a free society..there will be folks like Wendy who try to control the info to push their little agendas, but it is everyone's responsibility to make sure the truth gets out...and that's where independent bloggers come in..bloggers are the the folksingers of today only instead of old guitars, we use computers!
because this aint' no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no foolin' around....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
different drum...
well, we got bird counts and we got homeless counts so why not tree counts! that's what I thought up just awhile ago... so I started counting trees ..there's 1, 2, 3...geez this is gonna take forever..let's just say there's lots of trees out there..out there in nature..and we got some trees in our yards..so I'm watching the SB City Council and another tree removal issue..a giant native oak is starting to devour a house.... the owner wants to remove it...it's on the Mesa...of course he should be allowed to remove it!
but we have tree czar Jill Zackary over-analysing things as usual..what is it about Jill? she bothers me to no end..either she bothers me or she makes me hot and bothered..I can't figure it out...she's just so..righteous!! damn...the girl with the faraway eyes...Jill....I'm confused..you got me going in circles...Jill I could show you some things, but we travel to the beat of a different drum...can't you tell by the way I run, everytime you make eyes at me?? I wonder if Linda Ronstadt has any trees in her yard??
then the city council voted to deny the owner's right to remove the tree....4 to 3....Dale Francisco voted to deny!! I don't get it....I'd sue the city if I were the owner..or better yet, just cut it down anyway....then I'd be in trouble with Jill and she might spank me!!
so I'm out counting trees up around XXXX (to protect from nativists) Canyon....there's tons of oaks up there..and eucalyptus...large beautiful specimens..and the creeks is running ..and there's Cape Ivy..I love the stuff and contrary to the nativist propaganda, it does not devour trees..it grows on tree stumps or diseased trees..that's what I've observed....the healthy trees are not even touched!!
I guess some people just can't see the forest for the trees......
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
pleasures of the harbor...
I got my LP yesterday..an original A&M pressing of Phil Ochs "Pleasures of the Harbor"...from the 1960s...I like music..I like music trivia...music is a hobby that has kept me sane while most the rest of you have gone crazy!
well, I may be joining you soon...I received my LP but noticed that the package was a little...bent...hmmm...I thought to myself..what's up wid dat...
so I opened it up and there was the cover with Ochs looking cool...Ochs was great songwriter...listen to Joan Baez do "There but for Fortune" and you get a sense of the extraordinary creative vibe back then..Ochs was a manic dude who finally killed himself with booze and depression, but he left some wonderful work behind...and I just got a hankering to hear him...and of course "Pleasure of the Harbor" is a forgotten masterpiece..so I ordered the LP thru Amazon stores..being an LP it was sold thru an outside seller...
I rearranged the three broken pieces and tried to GLUE them back together..I have a special glue and it worked for a while...I played the album and it sounded ok except when it hit the ridge, then it skipped like a little school girl!
so I took it off the turntable and it fell apart again..so I ordered another one thru another online site...but I will tell no one what happens to this one, outside of a small circle of friends...
Monday, March 21, 2011
I think so..now he's writing letters to the Daily Sound, pleading with a professor from UCSB to agree with him about gov't workers!! my goodness, what a fuss he's making!
Lanny is now telling public sector workers when they can and can't retire! actually, you should retire when you can and when you want..after a full service career, you deserve a comfortable retirement..and you'll get it if you planned well and took responsibility for your own life..so anyone who says you can't retire when you want is full of crack, like Lanny...
ok, we know all about Ebenstein...the racism, the grow house issues, the Team Wendy connection..he's the last guy in the world to be lecturing people on a work ethic...but lately his opinions in the News-Press have been silly, repetitive and panicked....look out!! he says... the sky will fall if one more county worker retires!!!
no it won't...the budget will be solved by serious cutbacks in unneeded services and departments...the budget issues will be solved when the private sector is regulated, when agencies like CALTRANS stop pissing away money on native only landscaping project by the highway....when the $80000 per year supervisors start getting serious about waste....and Lanny claims in his latest piece that the stock market. bank/ insurance crash at the end of the Bush years had nothing to do witht he global finacial meltdown..instead he blames the public sector!! this is beyond comprehension..and this guys is an economist?? no... he's a tool for wealthy private interests like Wendy McCaw and Art Rupe...he is their boy...not a working class man....he is in full arrest male menopause ...
if you are a gov't worker vested after five years and have reached the age 50..you can retire...you won't get much, but you can retire..if you retire after 25 years, that's your money going into that retirement account, so of course you can retire! and you may not get the full benefit if you leave before age 55, you will get enough, doled out monthly, to live on..IF YOU PLANNED WISELY...and where do the taxpayers fit into this? public and private employees pay taxes...and when as a public employee you are issued a paycheck, that is yours to do with as you see fit....the private folks complaining about the public sector need to take a sober look at their futures and make damn sure they plan for the day when it rains..because it's gonna rain!!
as for Lanny..the HELPLINE number is 1- 800- HOT-FLASH
Sunday, March 20, 2011
all quiet on the western front...
Frank Luntz is a rightwing putz dufus who holds staged "focus groups" on Fox News...if you've seen them they look like a really bad B movie..most everything this guy does is phony and pure propaganda FOX NEWS style....after Wisconsin Gov Scott Wilson got punked by spilling his guts to a phony billionaire, he met with Luntz in the governor's office for advice...this is so typical of teabagger conservatives..when they fuck up they run to Fox News and hide behind Rupert Murdoch's rightwing media machine....the Democrats are taking action against Walker for using Luntz to get advice illegally....can't use government offices for this nonsense..
ok, so Luntz has advised Republicans to use catch phrases like "enough is enough" "socialist agenda" and so on to try to win elections...but we see the consequences of FOXNEWS conservative winning elections...the people won't stand for it! recalls are going to take out more than a few!
Luntz was in California telling us not to worry and not to lose faith..conservatives can be elected here if you just use the rigth campaign slogans!
SACRAMENTO — California Republicans, having been excluded from the national GOP electoral tide last fall, vicariously reveled in the thrill of others' victories on Saturday, and were told by a leading GOP image consultant to keep the faith.
"You can do it in this state, what happened all across America in 2010," Fox News pollster Frank Luntz told delegates at the state GOP convention. "If you think like a loser, you will always be a loser."
image consultant?? WTF kind of a job is that????
and herein lies the problem with conservatives, especially conservative men...they are losers!! they have become wimpy! they are fat, they drink too much, they are queer and dumpy, wear make-up, don't respect the workers, depend on trust funds or inheritances for their living, don't respect nature...and the list goes on...I am a Republican at heart, but the latest edition of conservatives is so far from the original intent, it's not recognizable..Teddy Rooselvelt was a great Republican, not perfect, but we need more men like him in the party..instead we got these FOXNEWS sissies like Scott Walker and the quicker we get rid of them, the better!! forget about your body and be a real man....
Saturday, March 19, 2011
running with the pack...
then, while still in Atlanta, I was attacked, emotionally, by a little pug type thing with a bad ass disposition...he didn't hurt me just got in my face alot....yipping at me growling at me....I just looked at him with pity, even at 7 years old, I could tell who the bullshitters were..this little dog was a bullshitter...also I was walking on a a back road and came upon a bunch of little white boxes with four legs each..about 5 ft tall... I walked thru the little houses and bees started jumping out of the boxes and chasing me..I ran, again harrassed by Mother Nature...but funny, I wasn't stung once well maybe once but they just ran me off...I started thinking about the nature of things after that....
then I met a girl who had some dogs..a German Shepherd who was mean to other dogs and some people but liked me just fine...he was cool and more than a few times I had to pull him off other dogs who were being mauled by him!!
then we happened to get two Schipperkes...I don't know why but there they were..a more neurotic breed I've never seen....
Friday, March 18, 2011
like a Rhinestone Cowboy...
hey..I know my way round a ranch, too...that's right I can city-slick if I have to, but I've been on ranches..been around horses...so all these yahoos in the valley don't scare me with all their hick talk ya-know...now, I was discussing animals a few nights ago with some people and we came to this conclusion: cats like me, dogs do not like me, and horses could give a rat's ass if I'm there or not....
well, I like horses, I just gotta find the right one...so anyway what's this got to do with anything germaine to your lives..NOTHING!! IT'S MY BLOG!! FUCK!!
so you may recall I said I was gonna check out Santa Ynez Valley Journal publisher Nancy Crawford- Hall's psychological profile to help explain her fixation on voter fraud...when a fat lady fixates on something or someone, look out! I'm serious..I've had fat ladies interested in me and talk about smothering....geez..scared the shit outta me and when I was a toddler, some fat lady picked me up and ran away with me for a few blocks...lucky for me someone saw her and chased her til she dropped me!! Ever since I've been especially wary of fat girls! so I hope Nancy doesn't read this blog.. boy...
on second thought, what if she does?? see ya later!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
the child with the moon..
why is it when I'm trying to access websites I have to wait for adbutler, facebook, and a bunch of other bullshit before the page loads....facebook?? WTF has that got to do with a target website?? I am getting pretty tired of all these screwups..
but I do see some light on the horizon....and I hope you are ready for it..I was talking to an infant with a moon and star tatoo on his head yesterday and he told me about something happening on Saturday....he said that the "Super Moon" is coming and... and... waaaaa.. waaa....mmmph mmmph... when it comes, all will change back to normal..the good guys will start winning and the bad guys will resume their losing ways...my theory is the moon was wobbling out of orbit which was making everyone dizzy..the Super Moon will be so close to the earth on Saturday March 19 that those with high centers of gravity (big tits) will fall down! dogs and cats will sing with joy!! those who are sitting on their brains will suddenly feel a rush to the head and their brains will be replenished!! there's an outisde chance, said the infant, that the moon could smash into the News-Press building like a cannon ball!
the last significant solar event was the comet Hale Bopp....I watched this for nights and was awestruck at its beauty and the aura it cast....solar events will happen to correct certain earthly imbalances....it's like God slapping us upside the face, gently, to get us back to harmony..that doesn't mean everyone will notice so I'll be there to monitor the situation..and I expect some behavioral improvements from a select group whom I've been highlighting on this blog...the Super Moon will be a turning point in our history..so don't die before Saturday or you might miss it!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
you send me...
I am stringing together some issues about one of those shady guys Art Rupe, who started Specialty Records a long long long time ago, recording such greats as Little Richard. Unfortunatley, Rupe took advantage of the black singers and paid them poorly, buying their publishing rights early on....he was concerned with making money for himself and not profit sharing... back then, the music business was dominated by Jews who routinely took advantage of the more talented black singers...Concerns about religious objections to the secularization of gospel music, combined with a contract dispute, resulted in his decision not to put out a pop record with gospel singer Sam Cooke
and this is how Rupe and the wealthy rightwingers try to use propaganda to influence students:The National Forensic League is a non-partisan, non-profit
educational honor society established to encourage and motivate American high school students to participate in and become proficient in the forensic arts: debate, public speaking and interpretation. NFL is the America's oldest and largest high school speech and debate honor society. Since 1925, NFL has enrolled over 1.3 million students in fulfillment of its motto, "training youth for leadership."
Despite a request from the NFL to remove reference to the Rupe Foundation in Peele’s original blog post (which we honored), the NFL is now touting its relationship with the foundation. Each Public Forum Debate qualifier to the NFL National Tournament is designated as a Rupe Scholar and receives a plaque. The NFL has also setup a special Web site to provide topic resources for February, March, and April and recognize the Rupe Scholars.
It is not easy to find much information about the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation. Art Rupe appears to have made his money in the recording and oil & gas industries. It should also be noted that in addition to selecting the the public unions topic for April, they also provided a grant to the Cato Institute for a special issue of the Cato Journal...
LAMB: August. Oh, thank you. I'm sorry. Von--what's it mean?
EBENSTEIN: Von was a title of nobility in the Austro-Hungarian empire. There were four levels of nobility; von was the lowest of those four levels. Its English approximation would be `sir.'
LAMB: Earlier in the discussion, you said that you were out in Santa Barbara, that you're an independent scholar. What's that mean?
EBENSTEIN: Independent scholar--I'm not affiliated with any university or college. I'm--I'm a writer, and I've--I've just written the book on Friedrich Hayek. I've revised several of--my--my father's books were some of the leading textbooks in the area of history of political thought and comparative politics. I've revised several of them, "Great Political Thinkers," "Introduction to Political Thinkers," "Today's ISMs." And I've also written on the--the British economist Edwin Cannan, who's at the London School of Economics. So I guess that's what an independent scholar is.
EBENSTEIN: Art also lives in Santa Barbara.
LAMB: How old a man is he?
EBENSTEIN: Art is 83.
LAMB: How much money did he put into this foundation?
EBENSTEIN: Well, the--the foundation at this point in time has about $15 million to $20 million of assets and in time it'll have something like $40 million to $50 million of assets.
LAMB: And how many people work there?
EBENSTEIN: At this point in time, there's Art, one secretary and yours truly.
LAMB: And so what do you do? I mean, wh--how do you get your--what's the plan?
EBENSTEIN: Well, at this point in time the foundation is still in the start-up mode. We're attempting to develop things like prizes and--and fellowships and research. And it's something that I think that we'd like to see the--the foundation play a role in the formulation of public policy and ideas.
and Lanny has been giving us the reasons why he thinks black folks are genetically inferior!Let's celebrate human genetic diversityBruce Lahn and Lanny Ebenstein
Nature, 8 October 2009
We believe that this position, although well intentioned, is illogical and even dangerous, as it implies that if significant group diversity were established, discrimination might thereby be justified. We reject this position. Equality of opportunity and respect for human dignity should be humankind's common aspirations, notwithstanding human differences no matter how big or small. We also think that biological egalitarianism may not remain viable in light of the growing body of empirical data.
so the point being that the TEAM WENDY folks like Lanny think they are genetically superior to the working class!!
I've tried to find some other motive but can't...in some weird twisted way, the tight-wad Jewboys Lanny and Rupe could be blaming the Holocaust on unions and this is a way to get back at them...it's twisted, I know, but I've never seen such non-essential people like TEAM WENDY (non-workers) try so hard to keep essential people (workers) from thriving!
and if these two hymie-town bozos think I'm above roasting them on the BBQ, they are wrong..wrong..wrong..
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
the night they drove ol' Dixie down...
ok, now I see that feral hogs are being hunted across the south...kinda like the hog roundup on the Channel Islands..the pigs are supposedly attacking people in their trailers, rooting around in the grass and crossing the borders and stealing jobs from white folks..well, a Republican Representaive has applied his keen analytical skills and suggested a way to curb illegal immigration: Kansas State Rep. Virgil Peck (R) suggested Monday that the best way to deal with the illegal immigration problem may be the same way the state might deal with the problem of "feral hogs" -- by shooting them from a helicopter.
an elected official suggesting such a thing...are elected official just a mirror of the citizens? I've heard rumors about our local elected officials.. that some are bisexual, cheat on their wives and do drugs...of course, that's just rumor until the facts present themselves..but it seems that pigs are now more intelligent than Americans..or at least some politicians..it's a fact that pigs are smarter than dogs, and dogs are smarter than their owners, so it follows that pigs are smarter than both! I had a dream last night about two girls who rang my doorbell..I opened the door and they were trying to give away two little dogs..one had cataracts..white eyes...I'm haunted by that dream right now as I try to find its significance..two girls trying to give me two dogs....hmmmm..
anyway, some pig facts:
The associations people have made with the word, ‘pig’, are less than glamorous. In fact, there are downright negative connotations attached to the word, which is why we use it to insult people. But, let’s put aside our preconceived ideas of what we think a pig is, let’s take a look at who they really are.
Pigs have been touted as the smartest, and the cleanest domestic animals in the world. The phrases, "sweat like a pig" or "smell like a pig", may come to mind. But, consider that pigs don’t have sweat glands, and therefore, can’t sweat (except on the very ends of their snouts). The lack of sweat glands means lack of odor - affording no credibility to either statement.
Intelligence research was done with pigs in the 1990s. One of the experiments was to train the pigs to move the cursor on a video screen with their snouts. When the pigs used the cursors again, they were able to distinguish between the scribbles they already knew, and the scribbles they were seeing for the first time. The pigs learned this skill as fast as the chimpanzees.
All species of pig are smarter than dogs, and capable of abstract representation. "They can hold an icon in their mind, and remember it at a later date," says Professor Stanley Curtis of Penn State University, who discovered that pigs dominate at video games with joy sticks. Curtis goes on to say, "Pigs are able to focus with an intensity I have never seen in a chimp."
now considering all this, it is safe to say a pig is more intelligent than a guy like Virgil Peck..and I think future candidates should alert the voters as to their intelligence, not by wearing a cheap American flag pin on their lapels, but a little pig pin...and those of us who've been deferring compensation into our piggy banks will know exactly what I'm talking about!
Monday, March 14, 2011
where the boys are...
everytime I try to google the Californians for Public Union Reform, I get taken to either a Libertarian or Republican website..so I don't think the CPUR is a cyber-cohesive group..but I do know some of the players write lots of letters and opinions to the News-Press...they run straight to Mommy Warbucks to get their message out..I on the other hand am a poor lowly blogger and all I have is my computer and creative writing skills to out these little motherfuckers.. so we know that Lanny is one of them..and now another guy has popped into my radar..his name is Justin Ruhge and he lives in Lompoc..
speaking of places where you live, I see that former Valley boy Mike Stoker now lives in Carpinteria (!) according to a newsblurb about him in the N-P joining the Zona Seca board, maybe to be closer to pal Joey..remember...after Travis and Joe got caught for wet and reckless drunk driving, they went to Zona Seca to dry out and get some help...and Joe joined the board..so is Zona Seca a nonprofit for drunken political hacks? or as Joe may have called them "ignorant Mexicans"!!
I don't know about this but I'll be investigating the sitch real soon..I believe in a free exchange of ideas, not a free flow of booze!! and why are all these politico pals being recycled thru the local nonprofits!! substance abuse is a serious issue so make sure the treatment is not administered by a bunch of hacks!!
Mike's also a part of the CPUR but I'm not sure in what capacity yet..for now I'll just call him a cheerleader for Team Wendy..and a friend to ignorant Mexicans..he's got an initiative brewing requiring any county office holder "who receives more than $2500 or $5000 from a contributing entity to abstain on voting on issues involving that entity"....ie, union contracts...
boy, the unions got these boyz spooked and that is one stupid initiative..if a supe gets $5000 in campaign contributions, he can't vote on issues!!?? what about all the money they get from taxpayers to pay the $80000/year salary? does that mean that supervisors can't vote on issues in their district?? no wonder Mikey keeps losing elections..he's a dummy!!
anyway back to Justin..an old dude with a bad attitude..he's also a teabagger...and his opinion in the Sunday N-P was typically ignorant about unions..."unions extort dues from the workers so they can hold their jobs, then use the money to promote their own agenda" say Ruhge...now I've heard this nonsense before and it sounds like a broken record...what really happens is the workers decide if they want a union...if you work for the city, you know going in it's a unionized workforce...you can leave anytime..the workers pay union dues..very true..but if you don't want to pay full dues, you can opt out and pay a smaller maintenance fee...the reason for this is when contracts are negotiated every three or four years, the worker who doesn't like the union still gets the benefit or raise negotiated by the guys who pay the dues..so why should the little scab get a raise and not pay some dues like I pay..they want a free ride because they have conservative tendencies...they want Team Wendy to support them...but that's not gonna happen....so in reality they have nothing to complain about... so you see, there's no extortion going on in the public unions...I want a pro-labor candidate and I'll work to elect that person!
now..here's two examples of real extortion: you marry a rich guy and divorce him a few years later, taking millions of dollars from him in the process...you didn't work for the money, you simply divorced for the money..that's like what Wendy did!! California's community property law is true extortion!!! and nonprofits, extorting money from people and governments to skip out of paying taxes!!
ok..let's see if we can help these boyz in extended adolescence become useful men...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
son of a preacher man...
ok it's clear the rightwing war against collective bargaining and unions is about politics and power, not balancing budgets..from Wisconsin to California, the battle lines are being drawn. The billionaires who control the rightwing politcians are trying like demons regain power..but it won't be so easy as they thought...
now, I've been researching this guy Walker, the son of a preacher, and he is a punk....taking money from banks that got bailed out by taxpayers...In Wisconsin, the local firefighters started a Move Your Money Movement and actually shut down a bank for a spell after customers began withdrawing by the thousands!
way to go Wisconsin..I have fond memories of going to Lannon Fields camp when I was a kid and loved it..the horses, the country life, going to vespers...I knew most of the folks were working class and wouldn't stand for people like Walker and the Kochs stealing from them!
the Kochs are the main moneyhounds..they got their hands in the CATO Institute, Reason Magazine, the Heritage Foundation..all designed to get more money and power and keep the worker down..and the Kocks are knee deep in gov't subsidies..what hypocrites...local yokel Lanny Ebenstein, the wannabe Scott Walker, is involved with the CATO Institute and he acts like the local anti-worker preacher..a stooge for Wendy and other wealthy socialites!!
all with the same anti-union message..the folks in Wisconsin ask:
Is This The Thanks We Get?
After working families gave Marshall and Ilsley Bank (M&I) a $1.7 billion bailout in 2008, their executives did an about face and funded Governor Scott Walker's attack on our right to collectively bargain. (visit www.followthemoney.org for more information)
so what it all boils down to is who would you rather have represent you before the hanging judge?? Wendy McCuckoo or a teacher from Wisconsin??
Saturday, March 12, 2011
love and marriage
open for business: Dr. Mick Von Caw~ MFCC
love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage...like soup and sandwich...I never will marry, I'll be no man's wife, I expect to live single for the rest of my life...girl, I heard you're getting married, heard you're getting married...maybe it's the best thing for you, but it's the worst that could happen..to me
"While humor may appear to soften the blow, the unseen emotional damage of sarcasm can be devastating. I’m convinced many marriages die of a thousand emotional cuts instead of one deadly blow. A steady diet of sarcasm poisons a marriage — so it needs to be eliminated. No good comes from using it.
"Trust, a vital ingredient in a healthy marriage, won’t be present when a husband or wife is always braced for the next public or private cutting remark from a spouse. And respect won’t be found in the midst of ridicule. A sarcastic environment robs a marriage of peace and joy, two parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life (See: Galatians 5:22-23). In essence, sarcasm severely limits the intimacy between a husband and wife.
"There are plenty of healthy ways to fit humor into your marriage. Choose to break the sarcasm habit, and die daily to yourself (See 1 Corinthians 15:31)."
that's the way I always heard it should be..we'll marry...going to the chapel coz we're gonna get married...the marriage of your spirits here will cause you to remain, whenever two or more of you are gathered in his name, there is love..
there'll be a little band of gold, to prove that you are mine..I got the wedding bell blues....nice day for a white wedding...hey hey Paula, I want to marry you too! I cried all the way to the alter..I married an ax murderer...
feel better??
Friday, March 11, 2011
six o'clock
disclosure: I am a union thug
I laughed at the poor little schlub Republicans in "Wiscansin" who voted to snuff out some worker rights..they scurried out of the senate chambers, heads down holding hands while the working class folks like teachers and nurses were shouting at them "COWARDS"...of course they will run to FOX news and cry about how they were shouted at by union thugs...oh geez, this is soo silly..these pudgy dumpy conservatives who have spent their whole lives sucking up to the wealthy think they won by voting without a quorum..this incredibly stupid action against collective bargaining was supposedly to help with budget issues....but is an attempt to bust union power..
so it appears that the public at large has been asleep and not involved with their government for years...and when Wall Street stole their 401ks, they didn't seek to regulate the Wall Street Casinos, but rather decided to try to steal from the public sector workers! they were surprised to learn that public workers get paid and have savings incentives to help when they retire...something that is lost on some private sector folks!! of course, most savvy private sector workers know that public and private work best together which is why municipalities have private vendors and accounts with local businesses....but this is politics...and mindless partisanship
ok, well at least the debate is out there and the SB Chamber of Commerce is even hosting an event with some locals on either side of the issue..the only problem is the event is being held at 7:00 AM...that's in the morning!! at the headquarters on Anacapa Street...good call Steve Cushman... that's one way to discourage public participation.... seven o'clock in the morning!! do you know what I'm doing at 7:00 am... you don't wanna know!!
Lanny Ebenstein will be there, union boss Bruce Corsaw and a few others..but will I? well, the server just threw an exception.....
Thursday, March 10, 2011
new world man...
Hi... this is Mick Von Caw reporting from the new AOL headquarters in Bottswana...AOL as you know sucks the big one....broken links, slow responses....stupid stories...and nothing worked this morning which leads me to believe they have outsourced operations to a third world country..yes I'm right...AOL is using two paper cups and a string to provide information...if things seem a little slow today, well, I just drank coffee from one of their cups....yes AOL is half cocked in cyber space..I called and talked with one of their cyber robots who kept me on my cell phone for 10 minutes then sent me to a "consultant" who wasn't there..a recording was there and the fuck told me no one can help me..call back later...this is private sector customer service??
so why can't I access any websites today?? I'll tell ya why because AOL is run by a bunch of knuckleheads, that's why...so here I am in Bottswana trying to get a hold of the CEO who makes 20 million dollars a year..hey...I think the public sector pay should be on par with the private sector pay, too...20 million dollars a year for the County CEO!
so I see this guy sitting on the ground eating cow dung and I ask him are you the CEO of AOL and he says yes'm so I hit him in the mouth boy was I mad..Kay I'm livin yet I'm dyin staring out at music city from my cab...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
a hole in my head...
in the dark ages where Republicans like to live, they used to bore a hole into your head to release evil spirits.. it's called trepanning...well, that's kinda what happened to me Monday...
I had an appt for oral surgery....after the minor procedure, I had a gauze pad in my mouth, I was out $300, and my jaw looked droopy and stupid from the novocaine..I looked like Quasimodo...
and to add insult to injury, I couldn't eat....all to get rid of a little cyst which was threatening to take up residence in my sinus and actually poking a little hole in it...but thank God for good doctors! the guy has got some fine women working for him too!! still he told me not to blow my nose so the little hole in my head could heal...
so I went home and it was windy and warm then cool and what do you think that does to the sinuses? all that dust blowing around....then the novocaine wore off and ohhhh fuck my head hurts!! OWWWW... I WANT MY MOMMY!!
I feel like I got my brains scrambled! so I spent the rest of the night practicing how not to sneeze...everytime I felt one coming on, I'd stop it...think of something else, put my hand under my nose...anything...
ok so what did I miss on Monday.. a little rally by the Democrats in support of workers rights...sorry guys.... you're on your own for a few days....no help from me...I gotta heal..I gotta sin..I gotta sin to get saved....I gotta release these evil spirits
Sunday, March 6, 2011
natural woman...
I was watching City TV and came upon a meeting of the Trails Advisory people..I was amazed at what I saw...Jill Zachary was giving details on all the trails in Santa Barbara..front country...trails have grades, step outs, lengths & widths..mapping.. signage...is this how yuppies hike nowadays?
did you know that the Tunnel trail has a 9 degree slope??
what in the world is the point of all this analysis of a trail? and paying these folks over one hundred thousand dollars a year for this information??
I don't get it! who are these people?? are they serious??
you don't need the city to tell you if you can go on a hike...why would anyone want to read a bunch of sign before they hike? or while they are hiking....are people so helpless they need signs to tell them there are big hills ahead? or trees..or a waterfall?? the joy of hiking is finding out for yourself what lies ahead....
a hike doesn't a need a freakin' shitload of information..just go on a hike..use your brains and intuition..get dirty, cut yourselves on the branches..OHH..JILL!! there's a weasel on the rock..what shall I do..that information wasn't on a sign! oh boo hoo..I'm going to sue the city....eeeek....there's a non-native plant..I'm gonna cry!!
listen Jilly..here's how I hike...I take off my shirt baby...start at a Cold Springs trail pool..and hike up the water..up the stream...I get wet, I sweat, I have fun, I see snakes and animals and I don't need any signage to tell me anything about nature...or a yuppiepuppiefuppiemuppie to plot a trail chart for me...
some of you girls need to get dirty... be dirtier.. become the dirtiest..become a natural woman...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
neon rainbow...
when I was a kid, I did a lot of summer jobs..gardening, restaurant work, and I tried my hand at selling vacuum cleaners..they were called Rainbow vacuum cleaners with a little rainbow insignia on them... and the guy would train us...he was a salesman, telling us that selling vacuum cleaners, that first sale, was better than sex...I developed a strong skepticism for white people after that....I was around 16 or 17 and already had sex and a vacuum cleaner was not in the picture while that chick was fiddling with my boys..believe you me!! I saw stars, some rainbows, but no vacuum cleaners!
anyway, I figured salesmen were not to be trusted..oh, I tried my hand at calling folks on the phone offering a demonstration of the Rainbow..I got a few calls and sold one vacuum cleaner..but really, I wasn't into selling door to door..and one lady, after I gave her my telephone sales pitch, said I should be on the radio with my beautiful voice....well that never happened either..you see, all my dreams throughout my life have died a slow death.... dreams are for idiots!
but people will try to sell you anything.. dreams even....and that brings me to Mike Huckabee, a FOX News celeb who is trying to run for president..he's running around the country selling his vision of America to sell his new book...telling us that Obama is not an American; judging people who choose to get pregnant out of wedlock...now, I had pre-marital sex and my father found out and was very ashamed of me...I simply told him: Dad..I can't just jerkoff for the rest of my life..I need some real pussy now and then!! still, he was not amused but who cares..it's none of his business!! geez, everyone sticking their nose in others' private business...like Mike Huckabee..
I got a message for the Huckster and others like him: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!