Monday, March 21, 2011


given the hysteria over public worker paychecks, I wonder: is Lanny Ebenstein going through male menopause?

I think he's writing letters to the Daily Sound, pleading with a professor from UCSB to agree with him about gov't workers!! my goodness, what a fuss he's making!

Lanny is now telling public sector workers when they can and can't retire! actually, you should retire when you can and when you want..after a full service career, you deserve a comfortable retirement..and you'll get it if you planned well and took responsibility for your own anyone who says you can't retire when you want is full of crack, like Lanny...

ok, we know all about Ebenstein...the racism, the grow house issues, the Team Wendy connection..he's the last guy in the world to be lecturing people on a work ethic...but lately his opinions in the News-Press have been silly, repetitive and panicked....look out!! he says... the sky will fall if one more county worker retires!!!

no it won't...the budget will be solved by serious cutbacks in unneeded services and departments...the budget issues will be solved when the private sector is regulated, when agencies like CALTRANS stop pissing away money on native only landscaping project by the highway....when the $80000 per year supervisors start getting serious about waste....and Lanny claims in his latest piece that the stock market. bank/ insurance crash at the end of the Bush years had nothing to do witht he global finacial meltdown..instead he blames the public sector!! this is beyond comprehension..and this guys is an economist?? no... he's a tool for wealthy private interests like Wendy McCaw and Art Rupe...he is their boy...not a working class man....he is in full arrest male menopause ...

if you are a gov't worker vested after five years and have reached the age can won't get much, but you can retire..if you retire after 25 years, that's your money going into that retirement account, so of course you can retire! and you may not get the full benefit if you leave before age 55, you will get enough, doled out monthly, to live on..IF YOU PLANNED WISELY...and where do the taxpayers fit into this? public and private employees pay taxes...and when as a public employee you are issued a paycheck, that is yours to do with as you see fit....the private folks complaining about the public sector need to take a sober look at their futures and make damn sure they plan for the day when it rains..because it's gonna rain!!

as for Lanny..the HELPLINE number is 1- 800- HOT-FLASH

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