I was watching City TV and came upon a meeting of the Trails Advisory people..I was amazed at what I saw...Jill Zachary was giving details on all the trails in Santa Barbara..front country...trails have grades, step outs, lengths & widths..mapping.. signage...is this how yuppies hike nowadays?
did you know that the Tunnel trail has a 9 degree slope??
what in the world is the point of all this analysis of a trail? and paying these folks over one hundred thousand dollars a year for this information??
I don't get it! who are these people?? are they serious??
you don't need the city to tell you if you can go on a hike...why would anyone want to read a bunch of sign before they hike? or while they are hiking....are people so helpless they need signs to tell them there are big hills ahead? or trees..or a waterfall?? the joy of hiking is finding out for yourself what lies ahead....
a hike doesn't a need a freakin' shitload of information..just go on a hike..use your brains and intuition..get dirty, cut yourselves on the branches..OHH..JILL!! there's a weasel on the rock..what shall I do..that information wasn't on a sign! oh boo hoo..I'm going to sue the city....eeeek....there's a non-native plant..I'm gonna cry!!
listen Jilly..here's how I hike...I take off my shirt baby...start at a Cold Springs trail pool..and hike up the water..up the stream...I get wet, I sweat, I have fun, I see snakes and animals and I don't need any signage to tell me anything about nature...or a yuppiepuppiefuppiemuppie to plot a trail chart for me...
some of you girls need to get dirty... be dirtier.. become the dirtiest..become a natural woman...
Don't forget that Jill Zachary used the web to recruit volunteers for trail clearing that resulted in a disastrous forest fire, then failed to acknowledge any responsibility.
How much money is spent every year rescuing folks who get lost, injured, or overwhelmed by the weather because they ventured out on trails they shouldn't have attempted? Maybe signs would be useful.
I think JZ may have put out a contract on Mick!!
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