ok...I see that DUI lawyer Darryl Genis has filed a complaint against the city of SB on behalf of his client, Tony DeNunzio....and it's about time! I was worried that Genis and Tony got swallered up by a big coyote....
the story was on the front page but the News-Press didn't say a word when Tony got arrested a second time recently for hitting his gal...
and looking at the criminal court calendar, I see Denunzio hogging all the court rooms from Santa Barbara to Santa Maria...probation violations, program violations, arraignment on a complaint and other stuff...
I guess the money must be running out...so let me get this straight..Denunzio gets arrested for DUI and is driving on a suspended license for a previous DUI...Tony gets arrested for abuse on a spouse or ex-spouse twice in the last year.. Tony gets convicted of battery on a teenager...Tony spends most of his time in court....and he's filing a claim againt the city for police brutality, slander and mental problems!! and to support his allegations, he's got some yuppiemuppiewuppies to support him...
and now he's the poor little victim of police brutality and slander....and he wants $10,000....ie, he wants the taxpayers to give him in excess of $10000 because he broke numerous laws and got arrested....
well I hope the city steps up and puts an end to this nonsense...and everybody needs to put down their cocktail glasses and focus on the real problem: drunk driving and alcohol abuse...
paper or plastic?
Tony Strickland R-Moorpark introduced a bill seeking health warnings on re-useable cloth grocery bags...WTF..Tony, who got tons of money from the tobacco companies, is worried about your health now re cloth bags?? of course not..he's in the pocket of the plastic bag/oil industry too...

ok I totally forgive the
Secret Service and military guys for partying with hoes in Columbia.. prostitution is legal in Columbia and the guys have to protect presidents from idiots like Ted Nugent..and besides, there's nothing wrong with prostitution.. I used to be a male prostitute for wealthy Montecito ladies years ago when the money was tight....really!
Ted Nugent...pedophile and draft dodger....geez Ted... you're done dude..give it up!
and the old rocker who "metaphorically" threatened to kill President Obama, has been booted from a Fort Knox concert by the US Army..good for them!
It’s one thing to vehemently disagree with the president–and quite another to say the president is an enemy of America who should be killed.
Ted Nugent is not only standing by his violent rhetoric regarding the president, he doubled down today, which is why the Secret Service will be paying him a visit Thursday. But for all his tough guy, gunslinging rhetoric, the real Theodore Anthony Nugent is, above all things, a rank coward and draft dodger.
and Ted pled guilty for illegally killing a black bear in Alaska:
Musician to pay $10,000 fine and make ads on responsible hunting.
By CASEY GROVE Anchorage Daily News
Published: April 21st, 2012 12:54 AM
Last Modified: April 21st, 2012 12:56 AM
Rightwing activist and musician Ted Nugent has signed a plea agreement with federal prosecutors admitting he illegally shot and transported black bear in Southeast Alaska two years ago, according to the agreement.
Nugent, 63, launched an arrow at a black bear while on a bow-hunting trip with friends in Tongass National Forest in May 2009. Federal prosecutors say he wounded the bear, attracted to the hunters by a bait station. Nugent's lawyer says the arrow grazed the animal and it scampered off alive. Whether injured or merely scratched, the bear got away. Nugent shot and killed another bear four days later. Then he put the scenes on TV.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Nugent pleaded no contest in 2010 to California charges of baiting a deer in 2009 and having an improperly signed hunting tag.
A spokesman for the California Department of Fish and Game apparently saw an episode of "Spirit of the Wild" and told the Appeal-Democrat, a newspaper serving California's Sutter and Yuba counties, that he "just about fell out of his chair" when he saw Nugent shoot and kill an immature buck. An investigation found that Nugent had used an illegal chemical scent to attract the deer, the Times reported. A charge of shooting an underage buck was dropped. Nugent lost the privilege to hunt deer in California until June 2012.
these so-called hunters use bait stations to attract bears and other animals, then they shoot them..what a bunch of wussies..that's not hunting, that's animal abuse...
Ted says if you see a coyote in your living room, you should shoot him...but he's nuts!!
if you see a coyote in your living room, it means the coyote won!!
ok Teddy Boy..you are now on my radar....let's rock-n-roll!