the News-Press had a front page story claiming Das was in hot water for union activities, but it was just a lame political hit job by Wendy, The Ventura County Ag Ass, their lawyer Rob Roy, his pal politician Fiona Ma...and her hubby candidate Jason Hodge..all these folks have banded together to try embarrass Das....but their little smear job back-fired! Das wins again and he wasn't even running for anything!
I think the News-Press is in hot water for sucking at journalism and breaking labor laws! GO UNIONS!!
and I think long time rightwing supervisor Joni Gray will lose her seat after the controversy with a Lompoc Housing nonprofit....Joni is in the middle of it and nearly every news outlet from Santa Maria to Santa Barbara covered the story, except the News-Press...Wendy just loves those conservatives northies...remember former supe Joe Centeno..when his cemetery district malfeasance came to light....he just shrugged it off and they named a building after him...maybe they'll name a building after Joni!
according to the Lompoc Record: This will be Howerton’s third election campaign against Gray since 1998, when Gray was first elected.
Howerton lost to Timothy Staffel in 1996. Two years later, Republican Gov. Pete Wilson appointed Staffel to the Santa Barbara County Superior Court and named Gray to succeed him.
“I would not run if I thought the current supervisor was doing a good job and that’s the bottom line,” Howerton said. “I will work full-time and be accessible to the people in the district.”Howerton said she was convinced to challenge Gray by the incumbent’s involvement in the Lompoc Housing and Development Corp., the financially troubled nonprofit group that was represented by Gray’s husband, attorney George Wittenburg, while the supervisor, a partner in the same law firm, was voting to approve enormous amounts of county money for the nonprofit.
“LHCDC was what helped me make up my mind. She’s complicit in that. It’s a scandal. That’s what made me make up my mind and pull my papers,” Howerton said.
“She has been very much a part of this whole issue and I think she needs to be held accountable.”
In response, Gray said all the supervisors’ votes regarding LHCDC were 5-0 and the items were on the administrative agenda, which required no discussion. The board was being told that LHCDC was compliant with county requirements, she said.
“Her law firm was collecting money from LHCDC and she was voting. That’s just not legal,” Howerton said.
“You can put any spin on it you want. The bottom line is, it’s just not right.
Read more:
so now he tries to tell the Mayor what to do....but I agree with the mayor...the booze district needs to pay for the problems they create....I'm sick and tired fo subsidizing them!!
and Lanny continues lying about city employees...Lanny thinks if you work four days a week, you're not doing a full week's work...again he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about ... some schedules are arranged to facilitate shift work in certain service some folks work four days a week, ten hours a day as their schedule...some do a 12 hour day, 3 days a week, then an 8 hour day...some fire fighters work one week on, one week off....that's the nature of shift work in some of the industrial facilites within's alot easier to get things/projects done on a ten hour shift than an eight hour shift.. and the three day weekend looks mighty good although the first day off is spent recuperating from those long 10 hour work days!!
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