so I press my face close to the front door windows and lick the glass in case some hot babe was leaning against it last night.....but today it looks like a tomb inside the Reagan Ranch Center....I suddenly become very frightened and head for my truck...then I get some breakfast at McDonald's....
then I hear the News-Press and Michelle Malkin are calling for a boycott on great American businesses like McDonald's and Coca Cola...when I was a teen, I went to the Ray Kroc Ranch in Santa Ynez and it was cool..huge and air conditioned..outside it was unbearably hot so everyone stayed inside..that's the day I vowed to live by the ocean for the rest of my life...butr the house had a theater, a huge industrial kitchen, giant sofas, a pool room, a pool...just too much ..I'm thankful I don't need all that stuff! but I know it's there if I ever need it...
Michele's got her panties up over something, but calling for a boycott of two American icons because she doesn't agree with something they did is just dumb...but this is teabag mentality and it can't be explained....
and Wendy ought to be ashamed of herself for denigrating a great American business and supporting a boycott of McDonalds!
they have waged war against the American working class...mainly the public sector unions but the private sector unions have taken notice too and are banding together with the public workers...
Michelle Malkin thinks ALEC is just a bunch of nice conservatives who write pro-free market legislation for their representatives! and she also thinks the Arizona Federation of Teachers is a militant group...but the real reason so many American institutions are fleeing any association with ALEC is not because of "progressive" pressure, it's because of progressive investigative journalism...ALEC has become a front group for wealthy white guys....PERIOD!..they have lobbied for all the anti worker laws and the helped create conservative hysteria against public workers, teachers, poor people, student voting..and the list goes on and on....these are the very same people who cheered while ENRON was robbing California!!!
and ALEC sprinkles some golddust on nuts lile Michelle to be their media else do you think Michelle gets money??
and McDonald's is the definition of American capitalism and charity... and it teaches young people a work ethic!!
ok... Wendy and Nipper knowingly printed Michelle's call to boycott McDonalds..a Santa Barbara institution! Wendy bought and destroyed the credibility of the News-Press, and now she's calling for a boycott of McDonalds!!
so Santa Barbara businesses that advertise in the News-Press....what are you going to do about it???
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