she killed me in that film so everytime I see her or a picture of her I get misty..I know she's married and all that and she's an Aussie like Olivia Newton -John so probably she's a little crazy..not about me but that's ok...
really, it's ok
Philip Seymour Hoffman died..he was an actor and real good in "Twister"...the other films were way too low energy for me..and he was a heroin addict..the only end is death from the needle...
the Denver Broncos lost big in the Super Bowl to the Seattle Seahawks..the Seahawks victory was a cakewalk...Colorado was a beautiful place until the libertarians got ahold of pot is legal and everyone is the Denver Broncos were all high during the Super Bowl...they looked like they were in a stupor...a Colorado stoner stupor!!
when I was a kid I noticed the adults drank beer and smoked cigarettes Winston tastes good like a cigarette should...then in the 60s I noticed the adults drank beer and smoked cigs and also drank whiskey..and the kids started smoking having a gift for simian mimickry, I tried all these things...cigarettes, whiskey, beer and pot...I smoke two joints and that was it...I felt too weird to continue..I'd hear little birdies tweeting and see little twinkly things in my eyes
liquor was pretty good except for the headaches and puking....I liked beer except for the beer eyes, the bloodshot eyes and well beer made me sleepy..and cigarettes..I smoked them for ten years and stopped one day cold turkey...I decided around 26 years old that all this energy I was wasting to satisfy some oral compulsion, some anxiety issue was I stopped everything and got a bike and rode all the issues away..well at least the issues are easier to deal with when you're healthy...
ok so there's an initiative to legalize pot..this is not good...a bunch of stoners walking around Santa Barbara is not good...we need clear headed people who aren't afraid to face reality head-on, not people who are continually seeking some artificial escape..the easy way out...
you've heard of Jung's collective consciousness..well pot and drugs contribute to the collective unconsciousness...
why are people wasting their time with this stuff? life has more to offer than getting high ...getting high won't get you anywhere like getting drunk won't get you anything...
except maybe a ticket to hell
1 comment:
You've never tried getting high and reading the News-Press? If you play "God Bless America" and read the News-Press the music syncs up perfectly and will open up all kinds of visions. I've had Wendy McCaw appear to me in a burning white gown and preach how a benzo dependency will bring about the rapture sooner. I've shot heroin and Arthur has appeared to me on a mountain of white snow. Drugs and Santa Barbara go hand in hand. Why are all the boats of pot being landed here? Santa Barbara is rich, white teenager land and more power gets passed around that accumulates on Mt. Baldy. Read the front page of the News Press backwards and it says: Get high, get high, get high...."
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