Monday, November 3, 2014

Midnight Rider

I'm not gonna let 'em catch me no..not gonna let 'em catch..the Midnight Rider

there's a new lozenge out that'll keep ebola's called EBOLA...take one and you're transported to the Swiss countryside where ebola never will go...just a public health service for ya!

geez Peter Lance is back at it! he's doing a one-part series about his 5-part series when the News-Press had more the one parter he RECAPPS (get it???) the 5-parter which as it turns out was indeed a hit piece on Lois Capps..the one parter appears two days before the election..connect the dots but Lance, Matt Dies and the News-Press conspired to hit Lois hard like Raymond Morua hit Mallory so Chris Mitchum could win...kinda like a free ad for Chris!!!

Raymond Morua and Peter Lance have one thing in common: both thought they were Midnight Riders..but they got caught!

you'll remember Peter's own DUI bust a few years ago on New Year's Eve around midnight, the skinny tuxedo, the Canary Hotel..the attempts to discredit the SB cops by Lance and the News-Press...Lance's case was dismissed after about a hundred motions to suppress evidence... Judge Brian Hill just let it'sall in this blog so you can see the messed up SB justice system we have sometimes

Hill has since stopped hearing DUI cases by Lance's lawyer, Dufus Genis....

now the one part series by Lance repeats the Dufus Genis line that "so far, Rayond Morua is the only one to take responsibility for Mallory's death"....

who else is to blame? Mallory? Lois? Wendy?

well as I've said before he's the only one who killed her..he hit her with his car, tried to run away but smashed into a tree...all the while he was drunk on liquor...he had no choice but to take responsibility, even though he tried to blame Capps while taking responsibility....

so Dies et al sued Lois and the government for the's a wrongful death lawsuit...from the web: Dies’s parents, Matt and Raeona Dies, have filed a wrongful death suit against Morua… and named Congresswoman Capps and the Federal Government as defendants.

The plaintiffs claim that Representative Capps hired Morua, even though he had two DUI convictions as well as convictions for embezzlement and hit and run under his belt. Capps also failed to monitor his behavior or his driving. The lawsuit claims that Morua had been working for Capps on the night in question — as the plaintiff’s attorney put it "Mr. Morua has said under oath, under penalty of perjury, that he was on the job… [and this makes] Lois Capps … responsible." Congresswoman Capps claims that Morua had NOT been working for on the night in question, and she issued statements of empathy: "My heart goes out to the family of the victim… I lost a daughter way before her time, and it’s a heartache."

The 27-year-old had been on life support for several days before she passed away from her injuries. Her family claims that they incurred medical bills to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they want compensation....

compensation....they want compensation..of course they do...we all do....but who wants justice?? if Lois is guilty of anything, it needs to be proven, not assumed by a hack journalist...but Lance says the feds case has stalled but he dint say let's find out why

well we'll see on Tuesday if Lois can slip outta this....being lambasted by a newspaper (News-Press) whose owner , Wendy McCuckoo, won't take responsiblity for thousands of child porn images on her company computer!! (STILL WAITNG FOR JUSTICE)

and Peter Lance keeps writing for the same paper, the same woman who had thousands of images of child porn on her computer....hmmmmm..why won't Lance investigate that??? hmmmm

basically, this is a conspiracy within a conspiracy wrapped inside a skinny tuxedo...


John Tieber said...

All are cordially invited to:

GOTV!!! / CA-24 (Capps/Mitchum): George Carlin ! - John Tieber - Linh Dinh !

Frank Zappa Special Appearance!!!

Anonymous said...

So when are we going to get the toxicology results on Mallory Dies at the time of the accident? Doesn't the public have a right to know?

Anonymous said...

What a joke. The News-Press can't cover anything besides 4-H Club meetings and Girl's water polo meets unless they bring out their "ringer" Peter Lance to do another ridiculously badly written expose. I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of 18 years otherwise writing your paper. It's funny how the billionaire is so tight with her money that she won't hire real writers but has no problem picking the pockets of her readership with a high-school level newspaper written by interns. Please let Lois Capps lose (she's a good representative, but getting a little long in the tooth -- not that boozy Chris Mitchum is any better off in that department. Where the hell are the Young Republicans when you need them!) . If Capps loses, then McCaw can finally feel vindicated she wasted a $150M to feel "powerful" as a publisher and her opinion finally mattered (er, maybe) and she'll move on to something more her speed like giving servants orders at dinner parties attended by Peter Lance who is singing for his supper again for Wendy.

Anonymous said...

Scott Steepleton's front page "news" story on Lois Capps' win doesn't feature a single comment by her. Oh, wait, it's an editorial. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

Once again the News-Press flounders in his campaign to deseat Lois Capps. They should stick to monitoring the local dogcatcher elections, they might have better luck.