Thursday, June 9, 2011

darkness darkness

News-Press plague visits SB City Councilman Dale Francisco..

less than a week after a News-Press endorsement, councilman Dale Francisco starting acting funny...he let his hair grow another 1/4 inch and railed against his endorsers, the News-Press of Santa issue is the Brown Act, which requires government meetings be open to the public....

also in an unrelated matter, can someone please explain KEYT chick Lauren Pozen to me? I get a chill up my spine everytime she appears on the screen...

in the past, the News-Press has used the Brown Act to go after their arch enemy David Pritchett who had the audacity to stand on a stage in De La Guerra Plaza and make fun of Wendy McCaw!! so when it was discovered that Dave was having lunch with some other commission members who perhaps talked about city business related to De La Guerra Plaza (not sure what the details is), the News-Press sued citing the Brown Act had been violated... the question is what is a in a stunning turn of political benches, Dale Francisco has come to the defense of Pritchett!!!

and why can't you have lunch and talk to people without some idiot suing you?? Well, idiot Wendy sued the City of SB and Travis bragged about it for months until he was driven out of town by irreverent blogsters, or whatever the reason was...

geez, we got way too many laws so if Franny wants to get rid of a few, I'm all for it!!

but people are crying foul..saying that Dale is trying to prevent public participation like conservatives really want anyway....they would much rather you all just go away and let them handle things..very paternalistic behavior....but the problem is they can't be trusted when they are controlled by outside wealthy individuals.....public participation is essential to the process and it is very entertaining to the question is did Dale step in Wendy's Dog Chris's doo doo...

will she sue him if he dines with fellow members of the finance committee? what if there's no quorum?? is it still a meeting?? will Wendy sue just to sue..or does Wendy only sue her enemies? why hasn't she sewn me??

beware politicians..Wendy may flash her golden undies at you, but an endorsement from the News-Press is the usually kiss of death...the black plague...not good


Anonymous said...

Bye Dale.

Anonymous said...

Pudgy blonde mca chick has a sister. Momma Mike has a history.