Tuesday, March 27, 2012

the boy with the moon and star...

on his head

so today someone tried to sell me Terrorism insurance! why would I need terrorism insurance?

I'm sitting there minding my own business watching the Carp City Council meeting...YAWN.....geez you guys are very boring....the most boring meeting I've ever watched....Joe DO SOMETHING DUDE....start a fight or something!!!

it's about 7:00 PM...

then I smell some smoke..a real metalic type burn..so I go out to the balcony and gaze down the road and there's a bunch of smoke rising over by Santa Claus Lane....billowing black and gray smoke... sirens are screaming....holy shit..a terrorist attack in Carp!!!

so I get my bike and camera and go check it out which was pretty stupid because the smoke was thick and I was coughing..but I gotta get the story..I cough cough gotta..cough hack hack..get the..cough...story....so I see a few other folks and ride down Via Real and see the culprit...geez..a car is fully engulfed in smoke and fire...damn.... the car was blackened like metal ash...

I didn't see any bodies but if someone was driving it and didn't get out, they're dead....fried...crispy crittered...I think it was a pick up truck...it's important to change the oil every 5000 miles!

I see some other folks looking.....I don't think it was a terrorist....but maybe...we got some rightwing kooks in Carp!

so I go home after getting some shots and the highway is at a standstill and it looks kinda spooky...I'm a little light-headed due to the smoke which is starting to disappear...

and I look up as the skies cleared and saw the moon... and a star close by...and the face of a woman...I thought to myself maybe I should marry her...and just as I got to my door...a gardener's daughter stopped me on my way, on the day I was
to wed
It is you who I wish to share my body with she said
We'll find a dry place under the sky with a flower for a bed
And for my joy I will give you a boy with a moon and
star on his head.

so I said "OK!"

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