but the editorial was typically looney...first Wendy says she thinks the Reality church folks are "Neanderthals" for killing pigs..then she says the Neanderthals had to kill animals for food because "there were no grocery stores back then"...I guess Wendy thinks the meat in the grocery stores today isn't from dead animals! haha...
and the Indian tribes get to kill two bald eagles for their religious ceremonies! (google for story)
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A federal government decision to allow a Wyoming tribe to kill two bald eagles for a religious ceremony is a victory for American Indian sovereignty as well as for long-suppressed religious freedoms, the tribe says.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service granted a permit March 9 to the Northern Arapaho Tribe allowing it either to kill or capture and release two bald eagles this year.
and look.. how nice of Wendy to give Nipper his own radio show and she just bought Nipper a big black slave and a TV studio....even though she's down to her last $40 million...what is the big black slave showing Nipper? what do you think!! do you think only Nipper can satisfy Wendy??
ok we have many reason humans kill animals..some are reasonable..hunting eating harvesting or roadkill..and some are not: for religious purposes, for bionativism, or for sport...
but the big question raised by the News-Press is: were there grocery stores in the Pleistocene Epoch? something to think about!
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