so a guy who was financed by Wendy McCaw goes thru a sensational public hearing, slanders a few SB cops, admits on public TV that he blew a 0.09 and that he likes to drink, gets off, as long as justice is administered by stupid people, it will be slow, not swift..and Lance says he was arrested for a DUI crime he didn't commit..but on the Worthen One on One show, he tells a different story as he admits he was 0.09!! I find this very curious and proof Lance is a liar and Judge Brian Hill is a moron...ok, case closed...
suffragette city
now... the group "one million bigoted white moms" dropped their boycott of JC Penney because Penny used Ellen for their spokesperson....I think the slutty moms were getting antsy about losing out on all those sales!!
I can't believe some of the stuff coming from the conservatives against think I'm a misogynistic pig, what about this Wisconsin lawmaker who wants to criminalize single moms, calling them child abusers..just really silly stuff... ignoramus Wisconsin Senator Glenn Grothman has introduced a bill to amend a current state law to include "nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect."
of course there is no correlation between single moms and incidence of child abuse..this is fiction conjured up by conservatives threatened by independent women
pay it forward
while public employee pension reform is a political issue, the majority of Californians see thru the smokescreen coming from the News-Press editorial pages and elsewhere....that's why all the ballot initiatives against collective bargaining failed...any issues in pensions can be handled at the local level, at the bargaining table not in the local newspaper so the players need to improve their bargaining skills...make fair concessions and not pick the pocket of the public worker who happened to plan for the future...
while public employee pension reform is a political issue, the majority of Californians see thru the smokescreen coming from the News-Press editorial pages and elsewhere....that's why all the ballot initiatives against collective bargaining failed...any issues in pensions can be handled at the local level, at the bargaining table not in the local newspaper so the players need to improve their bargaining skills...make fair concessions and not pick the pocket of the public worker who happened to plan for the future...
it was a good move on Helene's part and I hope she sticks to her leaders need to do sometimes to get things done....
you want reform: raise tobacco taxes, booze taxes, tax nonprofits and casinos and regulate the crooks..and stop the California community property laws that allow ex- spouses to steal from each other...there's an initiaive in June that would raise tobacco taxes : A proposed $1-per-pack increase in cigarette taxes, which will appear as Proposition 29 on the June 5 ballot, begins the campaign with overwhelming support among likely voters in California, a statewide poll released Wednesday shows.
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yeah, tax the vices, booze and cigs, because I'm getting tired of cleaning up after the people who use and abuse them
now if you'll excuse me, I have a round of polo to play...
now if you'll excuse me, I have a round of polo to play...
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