Sunday, March 4, 2012

come blow your horn

commercial for FOX and Friends says "why waste your time anywhere else" .....yeah, why waste your time anywhere else when you can waste it here!! haha

now to the News-Press...

so the story by Scott Steepleton begins " As media pressure the city to release a report looking into allegations of misconduct by Santa Barbara police officer Kasi Beutel that were raised in a series of stories by investigative journalist Peter Lance last year in the News-Press, Officer Beutel at least can say she complied with an order to appear at a Department of Motor Vehicles hearing into the status of Mr. Lance's driver's license..

what media pressure..oh, only the News-Press...
now we've heard all about the Lance vs Beutel issue, but it is clear this is no longer about Officer Kasi Beutel, and more about the yellow journalism of the News-Press...Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.

if you're a publisher with lots of money and no ethics or credibility, this is the type of stuff you print...for ratings..
the News-Press keeps resurrecting the story with archives to Peter Lance's "investigative series" into his own DUI bust....Peter believes there's a conspiracy against him by the City of Santa Barbara and the DA! and the News-Press keeps trying to use Frank Sinatra as a witness..listen Pete and Scott, I got news for you, Sinatra is dead (but his music lives on!)

and if Lance was sober that night he got pulled over, I might give some of his claims some credence, but he's already admitted he blew 0.09 on Mr Wimpy's show! he's already admitted he was DUI!!!

now it's true that subscription rates are down and a Beutel story may boost things a bit, but the News-Press is in a downward they ignore stories about their own editorial writer Lanny Ebenstein and his pot house/foreclosure issues, the bogus non-profit California Center for Public Policy headed by Lanny, the fact that ALL his anti-union measures failed to qualify for the 2012 ballot...all these issues are being ignored....and as Wendy told me once..."there's no story here".....

and that says it all..that pretty much explains the News-Press nowadays under Wendy's ownership: there's no story here

I leave this passage from Ezekiel for Team Wendy: In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.


Bud Weiser said...

This is getting booorrrring (Lance and not you, Mick.) It's been over a year now and somebody should tell Lance NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR SORRY ASS DUI EPISODE.

On another note, and speaking of drunk driving, drunks can now conveniently top off at local gas stations

Mick Von Caw said...

oh, so now I'm boring? well, it's not like I haven't heard that before!

Say What said...

Um, read a bit more carefully. It was clearly said: "Lance and not you, Mick." And that somebody should tell Lance....... In other words, Lance's DUI escapade is getting boring. And not you and not your blogging about it.

In English that means Lance is boring.


No? Hmmmmm.

Mick Von Caw said...

so what you're really saying is I'm stupid AND boring??

Carl Plinkington said...
