Peter Lance and the News-Press continue their frenzied atttack against Santa Barbara police officers Beutel and Corbett because Kasi Beutel emasculated Peter in court at his pre-trial DUI hearing...that's all this is...Pete got caught with his skinny tuxedo pants down and has turned to Wendy for help with all the smear tactics....ok I know I've been through this all before, I know we have all been here before, but this has reached the theater of the absurd.....the City of Santa Barbara and the DA need to stop indulging this's a waste of tax money
now if Lance wanted to really examine all these issues, he would not have worked so hard to get his case dismissed..yes it was dismissed because Judge Hill mistakenly ruled the cops had no cause to stop Lance on NEW YEAR'S EVE/ MORN!!! that's the time the cops should be stopping everyone out past midnight!
the last thing Lance wanted was a trial by a jury, so he keeps his issues alive in the News-Press..the most corrupt business in town with no accountablility!
but anyway, these guys, Wendy, Lance, Steepleton and Genis are the biggest losers on the planet....all you need to do is consider the source...and now the issue is some notes that the News-Press wants to see...the DUI trial is over, Genis lost, the judge ruled that against Genis regarding the prosecution sanctions..and now the News-Press wants to see Corbett's prove something..
well why doesn't everyone turn over their notes so we can see if Genis is writing sexual stuff about the cops...
this is psychological problem regarding Lance..I mean anyone who would look for a mate on and lie about his age has some issues..I've been watching this dude do a psychological striptease in the News-Press for almost TWO YEARS...and nothing ...he seems to think he knows everything about cops because he wrote some novels or scripts relating to crime's just silly....he can't seem to separate fantasy from reality...and I'm afraid he's got a major fantasy going on about Officer Kasi Beutel...
the News-Press is the only one willing to indulge Lance's fantasies about the cops... but I really hope the press, or the Fourth Estate as Lance calls it, starts shining the light on him and the News-Press motives..
but don't forget the Fifth Estate ..BLOGGERS... you don't fool me, Pete..and stop lying about your age!!
so Steepleton's story also involves some cops in Los Angeles who allegedly falsified evidence which has absolutely nothing to do with's like saying because Lance has dark hair and a guy who got caught for child molestation had dark hair, Lance must be a child molestor! just silly..although I'd keep my kids away from him!
Three stooges strike again. They need to follow the dodo into extinction.
What is the problem with these bozos? They're all terrible at what they do for a living and why are they so obsessed with this one little police officer? Frankly it's a little creepy. Get a life you freaks!
"Nipper and the Baron's sons busted for drugs, why didn't I see that in the local media??? "
Well, that explains a lot.
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