Thursday, July 5, 2012

Full Metal Jacket

Private Genis, I'm gonna give you three seconds; exactly three-fucking-seconds to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face!!!

Officer Kasi Beutel is obviously a drunk driver attorney's worst nightmare and now things are getting silly..apparently you can't take notes at a drunk driving trial anymore without being accused of a conspiracy by attorney Darryl Genis! you may traumatize his boozers!! or the News-Press!

Gunnery Sergeant MVC: How tall are you, Private Genis?
Genis: Sir, five-foot-nine, sir.
Gunnery MVC: Five-foot-nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high!

now, all during the Lance hearing, people were taking notes and talking to witnesses, lawyers, judges and anyone within earshot, so this is all a bunch of nonsense

Gunnery Sergeant MVC: Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece o' shit, Private Genis, or did you have to work on it?

now as far as coaching a witness goes about how to answer questions from the hell would a person know beforehand what questions Genis would be asking?? it's crazy and yet Judge Hill continues to hear this stuff from Genis!! this is micromanaging what a witness can do....can they breath on the witness stand? can they smile? what does a smile mean? who were they smiling at? can they laugh? what is the hidden meaning??

and WTF is a "mini hearing"??

Gunnery Sergeant MVC: Private Genis?
Genis: Sir?
Gunnery Sergeant MVC: you and Private Steepleton are a coupla jerkoffs, aren't you Private Genis??
Genis: Sir yes sir!

Gunnery Sergeant MVC: I thought so

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