but I like the gate...it needs a paint job and folks are working on restoring it....that's what you restore.... things not plants!
so when I'm walking from East Beach down to the Harbor, I often use the gate as a landmark, a focal point, a finish line....and of course the gate is from a time when SB wasn't invaded by uptight narrow minded hypocrites...just give me some truth mama, all I want is some truth...
so I see the beach has warnings posted about shark attacks...apparently someone saw a sea lion at the Harbor with a gash on its rear....then the Marine Mammal Center got a hold of it and Peter Howorth who writes animal stuff for the News-Press said it was a shark attack, then the city panics and posts warning signs...don't go in the water SHARKS!!!
now, my theory is the sea lion got cut by a boat propeller blade..it's a logical leap...sea lions hanging around the harbor swimming by the wharf..the entrance to the harbor..the harbor is full of boats..big boats, little boats, crazy boats, coming and going all day...and one of those boats clipped the sea lion in the ass!
that's what happened..it wasn't a shark that wounded that sea lion, it was a boat..a boat I tell ya....a boat....I'm telling ya..I saw a boat out there..out there...somewhere...beyond the sea..
I cover the waterfront
In search of my love
And I'm covered by a starless sky above...
Herbert Bayer's original concept was a functional arch in the center of a huge public meadow where it would sit with no functional purpose other than esthetic. Our city fathers tried their best to make it a gateway to anything, defeating the intent. It now sits surrounded by traffic lights and ugly street furniture service cabinets. I once had Gary Chafe ready to paint polka dots on the neighboring street boxes! The artist would be horrified at the distractions of the setting.
This was no oating accident!
"oating" accident? did I say it was an oating accident? no, I dint
Did someone get your oat, Mick?
somebody is trying to rock the oat, I think
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