I'm trying to break the Kelly Lebrock case....I call it Operation Lick'er Lips...I wanna find out why Kelly was stopped for allegedly weaving across the yellow lines, running through a stop sign and failing a field sobriety test according to the reports...

then I did a search for things Kelly and I find out she's got a Twitter page...I don't twitter..I never have and I never will....you need some time for meditation during the day so talking all the time won't achieve that...Kelly, you need some quiet time, baby
so her Twitter page had a quote ..a cryptic quote: "we are HERE and it is NOW. Furthur then that all human knowledge is moonshine"
aside from the Weird Grammar, I think it's code for something..maybe up in the Santa Ynez Valley they are running moonshine...like that hillbilly Moonshine TV show...making shine in the woods by the moonlight , them toothless mountain folk...
remember Bernie and his run in with the law? probably he was runnin' moonshine...I bet that's what Kelly was doing that night she got pulled over...there's probably a little network of stars up there...Cheryl Ladd, Kelly and Bernie, Bo Derek and David Crosby are probably the main runners...most of that moonshine probably is going to Dolly Parton who also lives up there..poor Dolly thinks she's still in Tennessee swillin' granpap's hootch...
ok so Operation Liquor Lips is ON!!!
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