Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Indian Summer

one wife will make you happy, two will make you dead....

now I've said that Andy may have taken the place of Travis in Wendy's heart...but probabbly Wendy is just stringing Andy along...always the guest...Wendy and Travis were true soulmates which is ironic since neither of them possessed any soul!!

Travis is the former editor of the News-Press and he's a gay Indian to boot...not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that I don't have too much in common with queer injuns...

ok..oh and we know that Travis, like most Indians, had a booze problem and got busted by the Santa Barbara cops for DUI-driving the wrong way up a one-way street..perhaps a metaphor for the gay Indian thing...wrong way-one way

but Wendy wanted to protect her boy Travis and tried to kill stories about his irresponsible behavior...and that's why Wendy is mad at the cops to this day for busting all her druggie friends...that's why Wendy allowed hack Peter Lance to publish his delusional account of his own DUI arrest on the front page of the News-Press...a multi-part series that tried unsuccessfully to smear the arresting officer, Kasi Beutel....in Wendy's little mind, it was all payback to the SB cops for arresting Travis! the vengeful Wendy got egg all over her face and the latest is Roger Durling, the mastermind behind the SB Film Festival, just did a nice interview with Kasi Beutel in the Independent...Kasi strikes fear in wimpy drunk men everywhere!!

now I hear that Travis Armstrong is writing again for the Desert Sun in Palm Springs..or at least he wrote an op-ed piece...but methinks Travis has undergone some transformation...or maybe Wendy has regressed...

this editorial is from the days Travis was at the News-Press..do you think it would be allowed today?? I don't think so since Wendy is now using FOX News as her source!!

"No time for cowboy justice"

Santa Barbara News-Press editorial:

Patriotism after Sept. 11 means never criticizing the president's war plans, no matter how misguided they might be. At least that's the thinking of the Bush administration and military hawks. But the Constitution still guarantees free speech and political dissension regardless of today's political climate. Now is the time for Americans to speak up and question President George W. Bush's plans for Iraq. Every day brings more news reports, White House leaks and speculation that an attack might be coming ...


so Travis says he's a member of the Leech Lake Reservation Band of Ojibwe of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe...google them and see all the problems there..sex abuse and trafficking, drug issues..

"To sum everything up in a few sentences: By comparing notes and experiences, conducting my own research into the history ICWA and specifically child welfare on Leech Lake, and after having my partner's "traditionally adopted" daughter abducted from us this summer, we now have a very good idea about what the kids are being used for: money, money, money and sex, sex, sex. This money supports gangs, casinos, corrupt relatives, corrupt non-relatives, sex trafficking operations, sexual abuse/incest, tribal governments and political agendas."

the problem with Travis and Wendy is they are so anti-gov't, they printed lies about public workers and wouldn't print my letters to them way back when....so I started this blog to parody their lies... and the rest is hysterical....

one thing I hate is hypocrites..and Team Wendy is full of them!! and full of shit

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