Thursday, April 10, 2014

Yellow River

So long boy you can take my place, got my papers I've got my pay
So pack my bags and I'll be on my way to yellow river

I told ya! didn't tell you? these cruise ships are giant floating petri dishes breeding heretofore unknown noro/nano super viruses and when the cruisers step off and visit the city, they spread the virus to you and me...cough cough cough...ahemmmarrrrrhhggg splat!!! keep allowing these boats and their sick cargo on shhore and all the creeks and rivers and waterways will turn yellow with disease

look on the and yellow mucous puddles from a homeless person?? no's from a ship tourist with a poopoovirus!!

Megan displays viral symptoms
allowing all these ships in port to add some money to the city coffers while killing off half the population in Santa Barbara is not a good idea...instead tax the shit outta the sinners...boozers, gamblers and all their dealers like casinos and brewers, liquor stores and the non-profits and porn industries like the Catholic Church...the money is out there so city leaders need to grab it...

a clean bill of health? so says the couthy health inspector..probably someone slipped him a hundred bucks for that

I called princess Kira at Khannelkeeper to investigate the ship Crown Princess but she told me to take a long walk off a short pier! what's up with all these princesses??

oh maybe all these sicko tourists want to see the State Street Ballet dance "Fisting Carmen" or as the News-Press calls is "Revisting Carmen"....

Put my guns down the war is won
Fill my glass high the time has come
I'm going back to the place that I love yellow river

so according to Andy Caldwell of COLAB/News-Press fame, the recent violence on military bases and the folks coming home from combat are suffering from PTSD caused by sexual abuse from their fellow soldiers..all of this was caused by the 60s sexual revolution...

ok, logic has never been Andy's strong point (Andy tried to tie supervisor and arch-enemy Janet Wolf to a Democrat running guns in Chinatown...apparently, because Janet is a Democrat, she must be a gun runner for the SEIU union!) but I imagine that deploying to another culture and watching your pals get killed and killing the enemy or who you thought was the enemy or maybe just killing some poor kids in the desert over there..well I imagine that could mess with you mind a coming back to America after being told to may be difficult to de-program and go work for McDonalds...

point being the USA needs to stop waging war against poor tribal countries who don't even want us there....stop indoctinating poor Americans and turning them into killers..and go back to what the military is supposed to do: purpose of the USA military is to protect the USA, but today the USA is a mercenary Army for Hire....

when Andy tries to editorialize, he uses the old yellow journalism tactics as does Wendy...Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers...

but there's no increase in subscribers so you think they would have figured it out by now...

maybe Andy got a norovirus in his brain

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