Sunday, May 8, 2016


you left me but I never left you

I've been thinking of churches lately.... funny, altho a Catholic, I'm not a God-fearing man...I fear rats more than I fear God...rats are way icky little things...and God? well if there is a God where the fuck is the rain???

I checked the almanac and we should get showers around the 17th of May...not that it will do any good

so there's a little church in Carpinteria that I've always liked and it's for sale...almost a million bucks but it would be cool to own a church...

then there's the Bell Tower at All Saints by the Miramar...they are retrofitting it for an earthquake so they have to remove it and do all sorts of invasive work...this is a lovely church that was sullied by the Symingtons..Fife and Deacon Ann.. Ann supported the child molestor who worked at the church..I exposed Ann and Fife for the phonies they are and they fled to another church...

but as I read the News-Press Real estate section Sinday morn, I see an Ann Symington has bought a house in Montecito on Olive Mill Rd for $1.4 maybe they kicked her out of the Hawaii church..well, whaever you do, don't let her back into All Saints by the Sea 'cos she ain't no saint!! Ann's trust-funder I think...geez

be very careful who runs the can withstand dishonor because it is inherently sacred..

and this church by the sea....I attended a sweet service for a maiden who lived in a kingdom by the sea...I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea....

Jesus declares that He is the light of the world, and the Son of God. Whosoever will embrace His gospel and follow Him can be freed from sin....

sin? God created these beautiful damsels, lying semi-naked at the beach, on a beautiful sunny day...

and he expects me not to sin?? there are good sinners and bad sinners...

and I'm a real bad sinner

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