I have been reading about animals and gardens lately...and people
now, these people seem to have a problem when a critter walks into their garden..a dog, a raccoon, a skunk, a rat, whatever it is that walks on four legs...for some reason, they think these animals are the enemies....and they devise all these contraptions to keep the skunks out..and worse, some still
see this crow..I was sitting on my balcony and he landed in the tree..and visited me for a week...he'd preen, watch me, act silly, plop on a branch and finally flew off....crows are cool!
when I lived on the ranch, I was visited by raccoons who chattered under the moonlight, I had possums visit, rats, cats, all kinds of night roamers and I loved it...but these city folks seem to think they own the planet and will put out POISON to stop some of the animals..of course, that poison ends up in the food chain and kills other animals..this was the MO of the Channel Islands Parks Service and Nature Conservancy who littered Anacapa Island with poison to kill rats and ended up killing falcons, owls and a host of others..ie non-target species..but why target species that are doing no harm??
these fucks from the Parks Service and Nature Con should've been prosecuted...but they weren't prosecuted...they were enabled by all the little shits who claim to be "for the animals"....
unfortunatley, this madness has made its way to the mainland where any means to kill or destroy unwanted species will be employed....
all the animals roaming the hillsides and occasionally checking out the city lights are to be appreciated not feared..they are not pests..they are part of the ecosystem..leave them alone and stop all the "ewww, they all carry rabies" excuses....once in awhile maybe but not always....that's like saying all conservatives are retarded..most are, but certainly not all!
so when a family of raccoons comes down from the pine trees at night, leave 'em alone..it's wild... it's beautiful and who cares about your stupid garden....if you grow food, animals will eat it...if that's a problem, get an in-house garden, otherwise expect the birds and bees and wild animals to come to your yards at night and feast..so plant a little extra....
one of the reasons I love California is the wildlife..it is absolute madness we have groups of people running around trying to kill.....are these people trying to project their feelings of inadequacy onto the animals??
well, the News-Press thinks it knows a little something about projection but I will illustrate tomorrow that they don't know nuthin!
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