let's look at some golddiggers
first, we got Lanny Ebenstein and his money issues in Eureka...Lanny, the economic professor, the president of California Center for Public Policy, past president of the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association and current editorial writer for the News-Press is like the rabbit...Lanny runs around lecturing on the evils of public pensions and the economics involved, yet Lanny can't hold onto his houses in Eureka and was sued by 14 of his neighbors for operating a pot house..I sure wouldn't do that to my neighbors...I like my neighbors....so Lanny's got a radio show on Wendy's radio station AM 1290 aka Rabbit Radio, co-hosted by pal Joe Armendariz, Carp City Councilman and president of the Santa Barbara Taxpayers Association...
then there's Peter Lance going on trial in Santa Barbara for DUI... since he got busted, he's been running around like a rabbit crying in the pages of the News-Press.....
he recently short- sold his house in Carpinteria and now we find he had a court date yesterday after Montecito Bank and Trust filed a lawsuit against him: File Date Case # Party Name 06/6/2011 1381243 Defendant: Joseph A Armendariz 06/6/2011 1381243 Defendant: Karla D Armendariz 06/6/2011 1381243 Plaintiff: Montecito Bank & Trust
now that's a shame, embarrassing Carpinteria again but the News-Press likes to print the money problems of local public figures so why can't I? it's a public service right Wendy? I expect a story on Joe and soon!! it's news ain't it??
do these folks handle our tax money as poorly as they handle their own finances? certainly this is something to consider next voting cycle... something to consider next time they try to steal your paycheck or pension....so what happened to Joe...did he run up a huge bill at Tiffany's then run to Montecito Bank and Trust for a loan...Michael Towbes owns that bank and he's always giving money to nonprofits and Joe loves nonprofits but apparently Towbes doesn't like rabbits who can't pay their loans back!
"The other day I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree"
Big Brother Coming to Lompoc? Would the News-Press really put an editorial on the front page? Oh, wait. It's a news story with a slanted headline. Never mind. I get so confused these days.
Hi MicK:
11:30 am 1371670 American Arbitration Association vs Ampersand Publishing LLC James W Brown SB4 1) Trial Confirmation Civil-SB.
Also on the civil calendar are cases involving:
the SB Indy: 7/21/2011:
11:30 am 1341942 Marianne Partridge vs Randy Campbell Denise de Bellefeuille SB6 1) Trial Confirmation Civil-SB
the SB Biz Journal:
8:30 am 1373800 Ray Estrada vs Henry Dubroff Denise de Bellefeuille SB6 1) OSC:Dismissal Civil-SB
and keyt:
8:30 am 1340423 Carolyn Diacos et al vs Smith Media LLC et al James W Brown SB4 1) Case Management Conference Civil-SB
That means all of the major media outlets in SB are involved in legal action.
Then there's this:
10:30 am SM096245 County of Santa Barbara vs Pedro B Nava Denise Motter LM2 1) OSC:Contempt; (Setting) Family Law-LM
geez, what am I..a court reporter now?? hmmm, those Ampersand and Pedro Nava cases sound good...hmmm
In the Independent: A mistrial was declared in the case of a DUI defendant because the arresting officer was Kasi Beutel. Judge decided there had been too much pre-trial publicity.
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