Sunday, July 10, 2011

a splendid time is guaranteed for all...

London Calling.....

ok...I thought about how to get in and the best plan I could come up with was to I go up to the entrance and announce I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger and I live at Rancho Monte Alegre and I vant to see dere Queen...someone muttered "it's the Duchess dumbass"....I said..oh yah, I vant to see da Duchess dere...

and I've been thinking about Arnold and his maid and I'm starting to understand why he did her...probably to get a little relief from Maria's bony bod...the maid, though not beautiful, had huge third world boobs so I can see the comfort those must've provided Arnold versus Maria's stoney American snootiness...sometimes a huge tit can make you feel like a little boy again! nothing wrong with that...

ok so the cops are everywhere and I'm looking around for Officer Kasi Buetiful who strikes fear in girly men who drink and drive...I wanted to shake her hand..but I didn't see her!
I see some helicopters fly in and land but don't see where they are I head around back on Highway 192 and get to a place where the action is..I see a few other people are...I meet Gabby from Ojai and her young son Matisse and we watch as 4 or 5 choppers land...well away from the main staging area..we're all taking pictures...Gabby asks me to take a few of her and Matisse on Gabby's expensive camera...I need to laugh and when the sun is out, I got something I can laugh about....and now so do they...we think we see Kate and we all laugh....I ask Matisse if he's excited to see Kate and William..he says am I... so am I....

everyone is getting out of the choppers and walking around..we think we see Kate and William again but couldn't tell...the black chopper was the without stuffiness..everyone was excited....and why not ...they flew into our little town and brought some fun to the air....and the kids loved it...

Kate and William (not really sure it was them) and the entourage get in these jet black Audis with tinted windows and are escorted to the Polo grounds to start the festivities....I left at about 11:30 AM and left with a good feeling about Britain and America and the possibility of seeing two people that I didn't really see but probably could have if I really wanted to but maybe I did see them... maybe we all saw them....and I had a good feeling about this whole crazy mixed up world....

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