Simpson stayed in Kardashian's house during the days following the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Robert Kardashian was the man seen carrying Simpson's garment bag the day that Simpson flew back from Chicago. Prosecutors speculated that the bag may have contained Simpson's bloody clothes or the murder weapon.
OJ was found not guilty but so was Wayne Scoles!! justice is an odd thing sometimes...are you innocent....or merely not guilty??

I've watched the Kardashian show and there's Bruce Jenner, an athelete with a weird face lift so that was a draw maybe, but what does this family do except spend money and get drunk...the girls it seems always marry black athletes...is that a death wish, I wonder....what's Kim's chance of survival? I predict she'll be divorced or dead in three years...I'm sorry, but I see things....
well anyway I went into Montecito Saturday to see what I could see...first of all the highway is clogged, second of all there's a bunch of bicyclists on the road...how do these people figure to cure anything when they're all out riding their bikes in my neighborhood.... GO AWAY!!!

now I'm headed into Montecito using the back roads...I follow a truck with a SAG sign on it..could be Screen Actor's Guild.....go union!! then I see a Coast Party Rentals truck and follow it..but it turns into Birnam Wood...then I go over to see Oprah, then to Sly Stallone's cool old estate on Olive Mill/Hot Springs ...Sly lived there years ago then sold it...then further up Hot Springs to say "hey" to new renter Don Johnson....."if he'll pay it, I'll rent it" says Mrs Douglas...geez, celebrities are gathering here like locusts now, trying to be like us..but they will never be like us...
ok I keep going to where I think the party is...they said around Pepper Hill...a gorgeous area especially back before all the development....there were deer and foxes running through the foothills and lots...KACY was Boss of the Beach and those were some high times for us kids, tearing up the roads with little Honda trail 90s!! RRRRRWWWWW!!

but today, it looks cold and vacant..almost lifeless...like Brentwood..like somebody got murdered....how sad....we can't bring them back once they have gone, can we Caroline....
ok so I find the estate where Kim is getting married to a black athlete and possibly her future killer... I drive past a few times....
can't see much but some guards, possibly Armenian hitmen (the Kardashians are Armenians)...there's a stone gate with black plastic sheeting on it....a black man, esp a basketball player,

could jump that and get away with murder, no doubt
look!!! I see some fine Kardashian gals dressed in black heading up the driveway....sorry...the picture got blurred because I was busy with my other hand!
I saw some Range Rovers with tinted windows and lowrider Porsches....it's a gray cloudy day.....and I know someone is gonna get murdered today ....I'd sleep with one eye open, if I were you..
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