so Das voted against the think liberals don't know a waste of money when they see one? the fact is Monkey Tyler doesn't know how Das would have voted on anything that comes before this present council because DAS IS NOT ON THIS PRESENT COUNCIL!!!
the fact is the RDA needs to go the way of the State St bench money for frivolous brick sidewalks that crack under vehicle weight and other such "improvements" are reason enough to take this money out of the hands of people who don't know how to spend it wisely......
hey let's switch to the Carp city council now for a councils past and present generally have been very good....we have no bench turners or light blue line runners here.... just Joe, another certified News-Press sock monkey..
Whole Foods sucks, that's why! they sell politics..the CEO should just shut up and sell overpriced food to all the suckers who shop there..and people me shop locally at the new Albertsons!!
the expansion was heard last month but councilman Joe Armendariz was not present, so the council dead-locked...I wrote an email to the council and expressed my belief that the expansion was a good idea since they are moving into an existing building, the old Rite Aid place, it should not be an issue..
Dear Council members,
there is no logical reason to deny Albertson's expansion into the old Rite Aid building..a building that already exists...while some of you may choose to shop elsewhere, I shop locally most of the time and Albertsons has been a good neighbor...a better store benefits everyone!
I never will shop at Whole Foods due to their policy of selling politics instead of food, but that's my choice. I am supportive of efforts to keep Carpinteria a small town with strong agriculture, business and environmental traditions, and help established folks continue to be successful here...please support Albertsons..
thank -you!
Al Clark emailed back and said he was considering voting to approve..I hope he does..that's what adults do when considering the issue, sometimes they see things differently instead of following a rigid agenda...
actually, they all voted yes....see how influential I've become??
How DARE you defame us Sock Monkeys!
you are almost as stupid as you are hideous.
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