Saturday, September 10, 2011

the big hurt

ok we got 9/11 coming... and all the issues that day brings.....

the terrorists...crazed cowardly religious fanatics who want to hurt America

the firefighters and cops...after the jets hit the towers, went into burning buildings to rescue people..risking their lives

the News-Press...denigrating public employees like firefighters for having a career benefit package and belonging to a union..the News-PRess is actively working to destroy American worker rights....

we got America Christian religious fanatics supporting policies that kill and hurt poor people overseas....encouraging crazed Islamic religious fanatics to kill us for revenge

we got the Bush Administration.....

we got the Obama Administration killing Bin Laden dead.. and crazed rightwing religious fanatics in America don't acknowledge a black president had anything to do with it...

we got the DOJ raiding American companies

we got the free market been brought to its knees by reckless greedy American corporations and their puppets.... a free market without responsible investing is just a giant gambling casino...this hurts America...Bin Laden is winning from the grave....

we got the Tea Party whose Grand Master must be Bin Laden because all the teabaggers do is try to hurt America..they want to secede, they want to destroy the government, they want to hole up in the Arizona desert and wait for the end of the world...with their bibles and their guns....

Houston, we've got a problem


Anonymous said...

we got a problem and by that photo it looks like wendy has cut herself one hella ugly mullet. can't believe she goes out in public like that.

Anonymous said...

Just don't ask me to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. We're not "one nation under God" and there has never been "liberty, and justice for all."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

According to the writeup in the Ventura County Star, the CEO of Carl's Jr. will earn $10 million this year. No wonder his restaurants aren't doing as well as he'd like -- the profits are going into his pocket.