the latest mob appeared when Michele Bachman was in California....Michele scored some points with me when she went after Rick Perry, but then she started in with the wacky talk about children turning into mental retards if they get the HPV vaccination....well, that may explain what happened to Team Wendy!!
but the mob protested Bachman's take on gays...and her husband is supposed to be a counselor who uses the bible to turn gay people of course that's not what the bible is for any more than a history book is for teaching the world is flat....but the flash mob can be very effective if used wisely..
and if Lance hadn't embarked upon a fishing expedition disguised as an investigative series in the News-Press, the trial would be over and Peter Lance would be getting counseled on the evils of alcohol abuse at Zona Seca, or "dry place" in Aztec...
a flash mob in front of the News-Press building.....hmmmmm
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