Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lord of the Flies

I bought a bible and an old wooden box for two bucks at St Joseph's thrift shop behind the church...the box I use for a book holder..I repurposed it as a lady suggested when I was looking at it..if times get tight, I can stand on the box, with that cool old bible in hand. and start preaching....

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me...

so I go on a hike Saturday after Friday's weather events..thunder and lightning, rain, wind gusts, warm tropical balmy tradewinds blowing through my mind...a flycatcher leisurely dining on an acorn...Mr. Flycatcher, you need to catch flies, not acorns

but before I reach my piece of paradise I pass by the new Lagunitas development....they rezoned this from ag to houses 10 years ago and now we're gonna get more people here..just what we don't need..and with the housing market already diluted, this will add to the problem...what a shame..we need more open space for agriculture not less!! the death of ag!!

and look at that..a bunch of elderly folks riding bikes..GTF outta my way...or I'll run you..oh, nevermind, you're close to death's door anyway...death will come to collect you soon enough, grampa!

ok.. I'm here..... I park it and get out and start my hike... I get down the road a piece and smell it....death.....rotting flesh..a stinking rotting corpse....and flies..everywhere flies...suddenly I'm covered in flies...bzzzzz...."""****..;.;;.;..;; ....little ones big ones crazy ones..."""::::**.,,.,.,.,""""bzzzzzz......I flick them off but they attack me again...then I see it on the side of the road....the source of the stinking festering pall in the air....a beautiful but dead gray fox...

what an animal...a canid that can climb trees....that can outsmart your domestic dog in a heartbeat...but is no match for a alive in life, but so dead in death....
I took some pictures and my camera was soon covered in flies you know why there were so many flies here..not because of the decaying fox so much but because some idiots had cut down all the roadside wildflowers..the castor, the fennel, the thistle and now there's nothing...those flowers have a natural bad bug deterrent in them, so I guess these people would rather be eaten by flies than hike and observe nature without being attacked by insects that wouldn't be here in such numbers if the native-only assholes had left the flowers and plants alone!!

I had to cut my hike short because the flies followed me down to the creek...and back up to my truck.... I grabbed some fennel which had sprouted, in spite of the cult's efforts to eradicate it..and rubbed it over my face and legs...I smell like licorice now and no flies on me
I'm planning an all out assault on the native-only cult members.....and remember, eucalyptus keeps ticks away....and these people are like ticks to me... and I will become the eucalyptus....

I think the fox would appreciate that , for even in death, he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb, through the middle of the street... the fox rose for one brief moment and said: for I am the Alpha and Omega...and I believed...and the rest of the day I was filled with immense joy...

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