but what's not inspiring is all this time wasted to defend drunk drivers as another DUI lawyer enters the lounge.....William Makler
first let's clear something up..being drunk is being drunk..if you take a drug into your body that impairs your sober judgement, you're drunk..period..no matter what an enabler tells you
now on to the story that was in the News-Press...Peter Lance's personal reporter and spin doctor Scott Steepleton tells us that the DA has subpoenaed a guy named John Page, who Scott claims is not part of the Lance case...but Page is indeed is part of the Lance DUI case becasue he answered Lance's ads for people to testify against Officer Kasi..and Lance and Genis put him on the stand without a lawyer!! a major blunder that has now come back to haunt them..
Page was one of two boys (he's not a man yet as Scott tries to insist) who admitted to drunk driving on the witness stand..I repeat: he was called by Genis and Lance and appeared WITHOUT A LAWYER....the testimony sunk him and Lance's defense.... now Page has a lawyer and it's DUI lawyer William Mackler who stated in the N-P story, on the last page, that Page's testimony caused self-inflicted wounds...Page said he was drunk and blew a .15 which always makes me wonder how he had such a good memory regarding the Trombetta waiver when he got busted, but forgot a bunch of other details.....
this is exactly what Judge Hill warned against..and yet Lance and Genis allowed Page to testify....be careful kids, you are being used and thrown under the bus and now Mackler is blaming the DA instead of Lance and Genis!!
incredible....and unethical but what else is new with these slimeballs..talk about inept!!
from Our Lips are Sealed on this blog: so two college kids took the witness stand..without lawyer representation!!! Judge Hill advised them not to speak without a lawyer and warned about perjury, but they said they didn't want one..the first kid said he blew a .15 after having a few drinks when he was arrested...he said his dad called Lance to include the kid in the News-Press series..
the fact is the live testimony of the two boys without lawyers was a mistake and one kid, after saying he didn't have a lawyer, admitted that he thought Genis might be his lawyer!! the testimony blew up in the defense's face and was a total embarrassment and now the lawyers are trying to protect the boys from further testimony and subpoenas.... just like the News-Press protects the rich!
and Makler suggests that a subpoena from the DA is harassment while a subpoena from Lance's atty is an attempt to get the truth...
incredible....and unethical but what else is new with these slimeballs..talk about inept!!
from Our Lips are Sealed on this blog: so two college kids took the witness stand..without lawyer representation!!! Judge Hill advised them not to speak without a lawyer and warned about perjury, but they said they didn't want one..the first kid said he blew a .15 after having a few drinks when he was arrested...he said his dad called Lance to include the kid in the News-Press series..
the fact is the live testimony of the two boys without lawyers was a mistake and one kid, after saying he didn't have a lawyer, admitted that he thought Genis might be his lawyer!! the testimony blew up in the defense's face and was a total embarrassment and now the lawyers are trying to protect the boys from further testimony and subpoenas.... just like the News-Press protects the rich!
and Makler suggests that a subpoena from the DA is harassment while a subpoena from Lance's atty is an attempt to get the truth...
I swear to God, alcohol has fried the minds of Team Wendy and Team Lance!! they live in another world...
Tuesday is another hearing at 8:00 AM which is too early for me...so I'll get the news from the aggregators!
Don't worry, the local newspaper will report about this atrocious circus act and the citizens of Santa Barbara will be duly informed as to what is really going on. After all, that's the role of the local media.
Oh wait, um, never mind.....
Isn't this still just the preliminary hearing?
yeah...and the trial would be over by now if Lance hadn't written his novella in the News-Press!
My money, my newspaper, my news, my way.
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