so I get a note from SCE that "smart meters" are coming my way... and I 've heard all the stuff mainly from teabaggers that if these meters are installed , I'll get a real bad case of cancer or my brain will fry or if Dick Cheney's in town, his pacemaker will explode...or worse, Obama will spy on me!!
now if Ken Lay or Jeffrey Skilling were behind the Smart Meters, I'd be concerned, but Lay is dead and Skilling is as good as dead...
and part of my job was to make the rounds at midnight and read the analog electric meters for a daily tally of use..if you make a mistake reading the meters, it can throw things off by a huge amount.. I've been around compensators, conductors, semi-conductors, conduits, transformers, transducers and transvaginal co-workers...oh, I do tend to glow at night sometimes but only when I'm with a radiant being......
naturally I have no problem with smart meters...any risk is minimal and you can monitor your own use and adjust it to lower your electic bill..that might come in handy if you're in the habit of turning all the lights on all the time and wasting resources without a thought..
so my main problem is with the dumbass teabaggers...geez, do they really want to return to the 8-track tape days?? alot of these folks carry around with them a level of paranoia that would make even Freud suspicious..