Nancy, we could have joined forces to fight the real enemies like the Nature Con but you went all teabagger on me!! we could've made some beautiful music together, you and me, but you chose that buck-toothed image-consultant Steve Pappas to give your money to!! maybe, when you're up on the ranch slopping your valley hogs, you can reflect on the why you chose as you did....
well be warned Wendy..the News-Press is next on my Christmas kill list which I'm checking twice...and I didn't know that the News-Press printed the SYVJ but that's what Scott Steeplton that makes Nancy a hypocrite because Wendy supported the Channel Island takeover of Nancy's family island ranch and the animal slaughter by giving money to the Center for Biological Diversity....bad juju all around with these folks!!
oh and I see the SB City Council followed the advice of Peter Lance and the Grand Jury to put cameras in the cop cars so we can watch the drunks! whatever happened to independent critical thinking? the Grand Jury is made up of elderly fat white people who fell for Lance's pitch..the cameras won't stop anyone from DUI, the won't speed up the courts, but it will cost money and any and all video will be open to interpretation....if the cops want the cameras so be it...but I'm afraid this ill conceived decision by the council will open up a whole new bottle of vodka...
Faith Hope and Charity
the annual Santa Claus Lane motorcycle run has morphed into a Unity Shoppe thing...used to be Toys for Tots which I've always supported 100%..but when the GOD conservatives got involved a few years ago, I was mortfied they invited Dr. Laura to lead the ride....I haven't been the same since..
and the Chumash are now it's kinda silly....the Chumash take gambling money and give it back to poor people; the Unity Shoppe encourages poor folks to walk into their store and take things without paying for them...Charity has sure changed, but I still got Hope! and Faith, where the hell is she lately??? she's always the one I seem to chase....
the Miramar Hotel is finally being torn down..the old buildings which I could have lived in quite happily are being squashed by giant Cats....ever since the motel was sold, it's had some bad karma surrounding the owners...first the disco king cokehead Ian Shrager, then Ty Warner who quickly sold it to Rick Caruso who tried to build but was thwarted by some of his neighbors like Elaine from Seinfeld.....
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