is she a goody-two shoes or a naughty- no shoes?? huh, can you answer that? I didn't think so..
so I'm waiting to watch the Carp City Council meeting and they're in a long recess...the new council will be sworn in tonight and the lone gal, Kathleen Reddington, lost her re-election it's all guys on the council now..BUMMER!! c'mon ladies, run for office so I don't have to look at five ugly men!!
speaking of Carpinteria...
crimes around the corner.....maybe the new city council can look into this!
1300 Cravens Ln
Carpinteria , CA 93013-3082 Verified Address
Reported: 11/27/2012 by Crime Reporter: 6250
Crime Report #: 8510380
Source: Santa Barbara PD
M HS11357(B) Possess Marijuana 28.5 Grams Or Less
M PC242 Battery
assault and battery and mary jane possession..this is where the proposed Green Heron Springs project was supposed to happen...the architect Scott Ellinwood also was on the Carp ARB when his project was approved..something weird is up with this guy..stay tuned
but anyway I'm watching on TV and they play these little jazz songs while I of them was "You Smell Good"..a couple of white crooners trying to sound like jazz..what an odd song...
then on comes "In Love, In Vain"...well I've never heard that song before but it was pretty cool...the voice was familiar..I think it was Doris Day! she sounded really good...
I think Doris is an enigma....she can be bad or good and by bad I mean bad, you know what I mean... BAAAAAD! in a good way
so I ordered a CD from Amazon....a bunch of songs that I'll listen to...and maybe get to know Doris Day a little better....or maybe not
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