when I was a child I was playing by the road near my house when some crazy lady picked me up and started running down the road with me like I was a freekin rag doll or something..well I was pretty cute as a kid so who can blame her ..luckily some guys saw her and ran after us finally releasing me from her clutches...
geez ladies relax..I'll get to each of you when I can...
oh God I think I saw birther queen Orly Taitz in Carp yesterday..she was ina little black SUV..I glanced and saw a big boned blonde chick at the wheel...spittin image of Orly and her SUV was covered with teabagger bumper stickers....I'm on Orly watch now....
Bob Hope in 1944: I saw all our boys doing a sensational job over there. And I mean one of the greatest jobs, fighting for one of the greatest things that we know of and that's our country and you can be proud of our country.
The war ended, but Hope’s missions did not. He went to Vietnam nine times. The fact that this war was controversial made it no less a source of laughter for Hope: "I bring you news from home the country is behind you 50 percent."
They played close to the fighting, but Hope often made light of the dangers they faced.
From the beginning, Hope’s trips overseas were supported by the U.S. government. As controversy over the Vietnam War grew, some said Hope never met a war he didn’t like.
Hope did not take kindly to that: "When they say I'm pro-war, they lie. I'm not pro-war. I hate war. I've seen too many American kids suffer. I've seen too many American kids dying."
hey Wendy and Nipper how come no mention of Coffee with a Cop in the News-Press?? it's a very popular and successful program in Santa Barbara.... everyone is enjoying the experience it seems....
and even Wendy could ask a cop a question....can you picture that? Wendy asking a cop a question... hahahahaa!
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