Sunday, December 30, 2012

running up that hill

if I only could, I'd make a deal with God

so I went for some wild fun on Saturday...I hadn't been to Cold Springs trail for awhile and being that it was a rainy day, I thought I I did.. it was a beautiful day..cold and blustery, then the sun came out a bit....

so I drive on up the mountain and there's a few cars but not enough to make me turn back..I parked and got out, then noticed giant limb hanging over my truck like a shadow hanging over me...

I took a few more steps away from the truck, then turned back and moved it to another spot..I could just see that big tree limb crushing my was a sycamore by the I parked safe and started my journey...up the trail ooohhh it's a crisp day and there's trees and leaves and water and rocks...and...hmmmm...a bunch of trees broken..limbs lying around, in the creek, and the trail of broken hearts I've left in my wake..

I'm happy to report the native-only cult hasn't even been up here..there's all kinds of wildflowers... and no manicured trails....

ok so I go on up aways and see the creek and feel the water..I kneel down and splash it on me..I look down into the pool of water and it turns brighht red and I see Kate Bush's face staring at me..Kate Bush!!

ever since I heard that song I can't get it out of my head....and Kate's face was in the water...a reflection..a vision, an illusion, a trip man....

....I go a little further running up that hill and more trees with red berries and no people..oooh but there's two chicks walking their dog on the other trail across from the crik..well don't blame me if that pooch gets eaten by a bear...or falls down into the crik and drowns...

ok so I like this...I feel good today by the time you read this it'll be yesterday...too late for some of you but I saw things, wonders that defy my powers of description!

on the way back I see a couple of turkey vultures on the side of the road.. one with a red head and one with a black head, picking on some road kill.. filet de skunk... these ancient birds really know how to take care of business

I drive up slowly and they let me take some pictures..then they fly off to the top of the telephone pole and wait for me to pass....

I passed them and thought to myself....the hills have eyes.... just a few steps and I'm in old west California...and I'm staking my claim

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