Saturday, January 11, 2014

tears of a clown

Now if there's a smile on my face / It's only there trying to fool the public...

so one day after I told you about the tentative ruling about the CHP turning over DUI videos to Darryl Genis, his pal at the News-Press, Scott Steepleton chimes in with story of his own..a day late and a dollar this guy is the News-Press City Editor and gets paid a salary or cash..I get paid nothing and I beat his ass to the story! I wupped your ass Scott!!

of course Scott spins his story in favor of Darryl to minimize the embarrassment both of them suffered...embarrasment because all this subpoena nonsense could have been avoided had Darryl just signed a release...then he would have gotten the video..the only stipulation is he couldn't release it to the News-PRess TV on Channel 2560 (haha) or Fox News..this is Darryl's MO..the subpoena is for get the public opinion on his side via the News-Press or other gullible media...he is after all trying to protect drunk drivers so demonizing the cops would work to his advantage...or so he thinks..that strategy ain't working as more drunks kill people....

Darryl will now be cast as the court jester instead of a noble attorney for the down-trodden, or something...Darryl will have a chance to plead his case before the judge because as Scott says he thought the case was being heard by another, different judge!! WTF??? does he even know who his client is??? see how this guy wastes time in court....

what sad, funny little clowns these guys are!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if DUI defendant Kelly LeBrock know DG's methods of working? Does Kelly want the personal details of her case (and life) spilled all over the front page of the News Press? DG is so obviously a grub who worked beneath rocks for so long that his emergence as a dusty New-Press moth, drawn to the Satanic flames of Wendy's paper, has him lusting for more and more publicity. LeBrock better run as fast as she can away from 'Better Call Darryl' before he tries to use her misfortunes as a stepping stone to more time in the limelight. And Steepleton, so desperate to continue creating the illusion he is a journalist, will serve up his excrement called writing like a faithful dog after being hand fed the scraps DG chooses to serve him under the table. I'm so curious if TMZ got ahold of this story before or after DG was brought onto the case?