I can't seem to face up to the facts. I'm tense and nervous and I Can't relax. I can't sleep cause my bed's on fire. Don't touch me I'm a real live wire.
geez..a 22 year old guy driving around Isla Vista Friday night, in a BMW starts killing young people because he was lonely??? seven people dead (including gunboy) and eleven injured for no reason...how sad
two suspects, three dead says the News-Press |
of course the News-Press hacks got the story wrong...they said there were two gunmen and three dead ...I'm not surprised since there are no journalists working at the News-Press...as a matter of fact, the News-Press was the only media outlet to mess up the story so badly....pathetic..Don Katich, Wendy and Nipper should be ashamed of themselves..their media machine is broken... they got two city editors, Scott Steepleton and Merrill McCarty, and they're both morons!!
KEYT was there with pictures....they got the story right
there's many online resources about the psycho killer but some have disabled comments and been jammed by high traffic
greek mythology- a youth who fell in love with his own image in a pool of water and was transformed into a flower

speaking of narcissistic Wendy, why is she having her chickenshit non-reporters cover nonsense like this: another FOX NEWS host blathers at her
Reagan Ranch luncheons? the latest is a religious nut:
Todd Starnes, Fox News' resident culture warrior, wants to reclaim God from an America of gay pride paraders, hipsters, twerkers, and vegetarians...he thinks there's a war on Christians in the USA...no there's not..just the phony Christians like the bozos at FOX News and the News-Press....there already is religious freedom in the USA and the Constitution is clear about forcing your religion on others
real Christians aren't such crybabies

but who's next at Wendy's Lunch? maybe the
FOX NEWS anchor
Gregg Jarrett who was busted for drunkeness in public...the guy is a drug addict!!
these FOX guys are fluff pieces and partly responsible for the drug culture/easy way out crowd we see today
spare the rod spoil the child?
I don't know...what's the problem? the problem is mental illness maybe...or drugs- psychotropic drugs that some parents use to turn their kids into robots instead of the rambunctious little monkeys like they should be..
hunger games
so who is this guy? who is this guy who would do such a horrible thing? from the news I get his name is Elliot Rodger, he is obsessed with himself, politeness and grooming and
he's the son of a Hollywood director...Peter Rodger ...maybe Elliot was trying to get daddy's approval...and he had mommy issues
anyway, this dude was messed up and logical deduction will tell you he's the killer...the dad worked on the
Hunger Games movie franchise..a series of films depicting kids killing kids...ruled by adults obsessed with grooming....ok I watched some of the film and I might blame it on Elliot's rampage...it's a depraved drive-by futuristic fantasy movie..
Lord of the Flies meets Robin Hood meets the Hound of the Baskervilles
some absurd violence but I loved the part where the girls used songbirds to send messages to each other...geez, if Elliot had any brains, he would have used the movie connection to his advantage...he was a virgin at 22 and that my friends would drive any young man insane!! pussy is essential to our well-being esp at 22...
idle hands are the devil's workshop
when did men become such wimps??? |
Elliot had some youtube videos and a blog and belonged to an
odd crybaby website called PUAHATE...apparently he didn't like women or girls and was lonely...is it the schools that cause the problems...the schools that don't value competition, schools that don't want kids to play or they might hurt themselves? are the parents at fault? spoiling their children with expensive cars... not teaching them a work ethic??
so that leaves narcissistic young men with lotsa time on their hands...time to wallow in self-pity
Elliot Rodger seemed like a spoiled kid, crying about how unfair life is (at 22??)..crying about guys who beat him to the pretty girl...well that is what life is...hearts get broken...my heart has been broken by two women and it is an honor I carry with me to this day...even though they were kinda bitchy sometimes but that's ok you know because of the pussy...the powerful pussy
but hey, you deal with it, roll with it, get mad about it.....mad about pussy...
or maybe this guy has some latent gay issues he couldn't handle..whatever.. you never kill people over it unless you're crazy..and if your kid is crazy, he should be institutionalized so he can be helped..
don't blame the cops or UCSB or the NRA and certainly don't buy him a new BMW and think everything will be ok
and surely this guy Elliot WAS NOT OK....
so colleges are teaching kids to brew wine and beer now...but what happened to psychology courses where you can learn a thing or two about human nature...and yourself...
I guess it's more important to learn about beer than worry about psycho killers....
qu'est-ce que c'est