Monday, May 5, 2014

willow weep for me

Bend your branches green along the stream that runs to sea....

Human nature is a strange thing…..we tend to sub-consciously judge complexity by assumption...

anise swallowtails like fennel and thistles and other members of the carrot family...fennel is wonderful and welcomes springtime with glorious licorice flavor...everytime the nativists kill the fennel, they kill swallowtail butterflies..and that upsets me

and western tiger swallowtails like parsley, Queen Anne's lace, sycamores, willows and alders...I found this guy up by Toro Canyon hanging out on a willow...what a sight for sore eyes!!

the native cult likes to demonize fennel but there's really no reason other than psychological to fear fennel...there really is a psychological issue among these nativists and once I formulate my thesis, I will present it to the Board of Psychiartry and Psychology and finally get these people the mental help they need...

so it's important to leave things alone in the wild places..up here the Cape Ivy, willows and oaks flourish and get along fine..the willows and sycamores are great and the weeds have a place and play an important part in the ecosystem...

I know about this stuff because Aldo Leopold was my grandpappy or so I heard from some angel whispering in my ear one least it sounded like she was screaming ALDO ALDO
in my ear...maybe it was DILDO instead I can't remember..

anyway the dumbasses at the Botanic Beer Garden think weeds only attract "stinkbugs and crows"..well so what..crows are scavengers and dispatch dead animals all the time..everything in Nature has a job!! even stinkbugs...ever watch them walk....they are like little rototillers!!! and they are good for the economy: buy RAID!!!

Queen Anne’s lace (Umbelliferae feeders) The main problem here is that these plants wilt so easily! Dill, Wild Carrot, Caraway, Aniseed and Fennel. (fennel is one of the best foodplants if you can provide growing plants….it is perennial and come up every year unlike a most of the of others).

ok so Queen Anne's Lace has been called a noxious problem invasive in some states which is's wild carrot and I love's beautiful and now we know the butterflies eat it and lay eggs on LEAVE IT ALONE YOU NATIVE BOTANIC BEER GARDEN FUCKSHITS....

or I'll pay you a little we understand each other???

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