sooo hoo is Wu??
MySpace suicide case (2009)
Judge overrules jury!!!
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
*USA v. Lori Drew 2:08-cr-00582-GW-1
Judge Wu was the presiding judge in the case of a Missouri woman who was convicted of computer fraud charges stemming from an Internet hoax that prompted a teenage girl to commit suicide. On July 2, 2009, Judge Wu decided to tentatively acquit Lori Drew, who was convicted in November of 2008. The decision reversed a jury's verdicts which convicted the woman of computer fraud charges.
The case received a lot of national attention and created an uproar on the issue of internet security.
On August 28, 2009, Judge Wu officially reversed the conviction of Lori Drew. The judge found that The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act was not applied beyond a reasonable doubt in convicting Drew of a misdemeanor. Wu said that the federal law that governs terms and conditions of visiting a website is "constitutionally vague".
Almost three months later, federal prosecutors said they would not appeal Judge Wu's dismissal of charges against Drew."
geez, the kid Megan Meier killed herself because of the Lori Drew bullying!!
so that's the kind of judge Wu is..a really bad one....of course the adult woman Lori Drew should have been found guilty of fraud and for harassing a teenage... Wu was nominated by drunk driver Pres George consider the source and poor application of the law for political do these incompetent judges make it to the federal bench??
Judge George Wu is now on my radar...Are you with me Doctor Wu Are you really just a shadow. Of the man that I once knew. Are you crazy are you high. Or just an ordinary guy. Have you done all you can do???
Wendy must think she's Rosy the Riveter
I see that Wendy was down in San Diego yesteday for a ride on the USS Ronald Reagan..due in Santa Barbara Friday...meybe she bought it for her new come nobody invited me to ride??? why does Wendy get special privileges and am I the taxpayer paying for it??? does Wendy think Ron was her daddy?? geez...
"Wendy" |
hey wait a minute..I hear the USS Reagan might be contaminated with radiation from Fukushima a few years ago: In the midst of a snow storm, deck hands were enveloped in a warm cloud that came with a metallic taste. Sailors testify that the Reagan’s 5,500-member crew was told over the ship’s intercom to avoid drinking or bathing in desalinized water drawn from a radioactive sea. The huge carrier quickly ceased its humanitarian efforts and sailed 100 miles out to sea, where newly published internal Navy communications confirm it was still taking serious doses of radioactive fallout.
well maybe Ty Warner and I can do a Glow-in-the-Dark Beanie Baby called Wendy!!
why did the chicken cross the road twice?
so there's a tiff between Andy Caldwell and the Santa Barbara Water Guardians..Andy's been hiding behind Wendy's skirt and the bible after challenging the WGs to a debate..they accepted but Andy chickened it appears he chickened out again!! that's TWICE!!
in his guest editorial, Andy digs himself a deeper hole, saying the letter by the Water Guardians (which he/the News-Press never printed so readers could see it) to accept the debate challenge was actually a refusal to debate due to the "ridiculous" conditions the WG suggested be met! I guess Andy tried to apply some reverse psychology but I thought he didn't believe in psychology...
what a chicken.... I gonna start calling Andy "Colonel Sanders"
geez, one minute Andy is preaching the gospel, next minute he's attacking and lying about the Water Guardians...I think Andy is bi-polar!!
Andy is so shook up by the WGs he can't even mention their name in his editorial..instead he calls them "some activists"... haha
so one of the conditions the activists suggested that Andy didn't like was that he list his ties to the oil industry...then he spent the rest of the editorial trying to explain all his conflicts of interest with ties to the casino and oil and Wendy which he calls the sum total of his life experiences..WTF??? then he lists all his faux-accomplishments!
then Colonel Andy confesses he's a sock puppet for Wendy and oil companies and backpeddles and rationalizes and tries to justify his own tortured mental processes....
bottom line: Andy, you're a clown.. a buffoon....
a chicken!
1 comment:
Andy's embarrassed masters wanted to make sure that nobody recognized his opinions as theirs and forced him to write his mealy-mouthed disclaimer.
He does represent COLAB donors and Wendy and this might be the first sign that they recognize the damage that Andy is doing to their interests.
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