Friday, July 25, 2014

Lyin' Eyes

you can't hide your lyin' eyes, and your smile is a thin disguise

I think everone agrees DUI is stupid..and FUI is stupid and dangerous...and one thing I've learned over the last few years is the DUI laws can be a little screwy....there are dubious obvious guilty drunks who run into trees or kill people or kill people then run into trees...they can't plead not guilty because well there's the evidence..the black eyes, the bodies and broken limbs...drunks get caught by the cops or citizens who call the cops...the cops come and do an assessment and arrest the drunk and then the fun begins...the drunk hires a DUI lawyer to get him off...they cook up a scheme, a conspiracy theory that tries to place the blame on the arresting cops, or the DA, or the crime lab...and I've seen it with my very own eyes...the drunks will lie in court so they don't have to face the expensive consequences of a DUI incident on their records....

we all know Darryl Genis is a DUI lawyer whose unethical behavior has him possibly being disbarred as he faces yet another contempt of court charge in a DUI case...recently, a court camera caught Darryl suspiciously fiddling with another atty's papers, using his cell phone to photograph people and things he thinks may be conspiratorial...

I don't know who put these notions in Darryl's head..maybe it was former client Peter Lance who investigated his own DUI in the News-Press...a five part series wherein he tried to prove a gov't conspiracy against him and he tried to blame the cops, esp cop Kasi Beutel...and in other cases, cop Tudor....and even cop Corbett!!

now if Beutel and Tudor were back on DUI patrol, Mallory Dies would still be alive and Raymond Morua would have been busted..that is a fact in my opinion...but with Judge Brian Hill on the bench, Ray might be out, free to drink and drive's a vicious cycle...unfortunately the only way to lock up drunks is if they kill someone

now we know after a few years that Peter Lance is full of shit..when his stories don't gain any traction, he tries to explain them on the Mr. Wimpy Show...and of course Lance always tries to plug his silly books at the end

ok so my point is the DUI defense is based in lies....boozers can't seem to take responsibility for their actions unless they have Raymond Morua had Joe Armendariz had to..had they not got caught by crashing their cars, they would still be driving drunk..I GUARANTEE IT!!

the Farther Reaches of Human Nature

Hierarchy of Liars

now, I know that Darryl Genis is a liar..I know that Peter Lance is liar, I know that Lance Armstrong is a liar.. I know that Bill Clinton is a liar...I know that Ollie North is a Maslow pointed out, there's a Hierarchy of Needs; as I point out, there's a Hierarchy of Liars

liars all follow a certain pattern...they lie

so it is up to us to keep them honest or locked up...or isolated from the rest of  the honest population

now I don't make promises so you can't accuse me of lying....well you can but you won't get very far....

now, I need the judges and lawyers to stop playing these little games with my tax dollars....I don't know what it's gonna take...judges needs to start JUDGING!!!

I'm waiting for the feds to lower the BAC to to 0.02 because as it stands now, the law is can drive below 0.08 but at 0.09 you're DUI illegally...

the issue is drunk should not get behind the wheel of a car, a boat, a forklift, an airplane or any machinery that requires sober focus, while you're's just common sense...

but we're talking about alcohol here and the first thing that flies out the window when you're common sense

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