Saturday, March 21, 2015


well you better pick yourself up off the ground, before they bring the curtain down...

well I see that a former News-Press employee/receptionist was busted again for a "controlled substance" an illicit drug...the odd thing is the gal just got through a trial for smashing into some kids on Highway 101...a triple fatality...a triple tragedy...

the kids had already crashed because the driver fell asleep and the ex-News-Press gal plowed into them in her white Mustang..she was arrested for drugs/DUI and has a history of substance abuse..and she gets busted again on March 20th....she was sentenced to a year in jail and probation but I guess she had some free time before she gets high and then gets busted!! again...according to the arrest records

well she was senternced around Feb 16 and it's now March 21 so why wasn't she in she on vacation???

and why didn't Wendy help Kim while Kim was at the News-Press??? maybe if Kim had a gov't job, she'd have the structure she needs to get clean...and part of the benefits is psychological help...a new deal..and a new life...really,'s long past time to clean up your act...

but my question is where do these people get their drugs? I don't want to hear any nonsense about legalizing drugs....nothing cool about drugs....only weak, lazy people need drugs and we need strong people America...and strong people can wipe out drugs..and the weak can become strong and blonde...and the blondes can have sex with me

but I'm wondering who the dealers are....methamphetamine and booze..ok the booze dealers are everywhere because booze is legal..but these other guys..these drug dealers..who are they???

I sure would like to find them and expose them and beat the shit outta them...just for starters..

then I'd use enhanced interrogation (conservative-speak for torture) to get more info from these sonsabitch dealers....
Generally, a controlled substance is an illegal drug that can have a detrimental effect on a person's health and welfare.....

so we need to stop the dealers, their little heads offs...these people have no souls....ooowwww  I hate drug dealers!!!

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