apparently, the only people who are still under Wendy McCuckoo's money spell are the Young Miss America Foundation..a non-profit to which Wendy gives huge amounts of cash...a sugar momma of sorts...none of the cash was earned by Wendy, instead she got it thru a divorce..and this is young conservartive ideal..get money from rich people so they don't have to work or get their hands dirty so they can prance around looking pretty...while the real men and women are taking care of business, the little pampered Young Miss Americans are being tightly controlled by their rich handlers....and they have created a simple-minded Ronald Reagan myth that they wholeheartedly believe in, and they celebrate Reagan as the second coming of Christ...and Young Miss Americans are all profoundly religious like little zombies who think Jesus gives them stuff if they just pray...this partnership with Wendy is one of the oddest pairings I've ever's all show and no a beauty contest...but with Wendy's financial backing, the show will continue...and that's not a bad thing...I get material and they get exposed as the phonies they are....smoke and mirrors..
first of all Reagan did not end the cold war or Russia, it was alrweady on the way was a 1950's thing...ever see Dr. Strangelove??
If the Cold War was just about the arms race we would have seen a dramatic fall in American arms spending since the fall of communism. However, this has not happened, the Military-Industrial Index still manages to persuade American governments to spend increasing sums of money on the latest weapons of mass destruction. Whenever the American public start to question this strategy they find an excuse to use up some of these weapons.
If Reagan’s anti-communist policies were so powerful, why did it not bring an end to communism in other countries such as China, Cuba and North Korea. It seems that he needed the support of someone who was actually making decisions in the Soviet Union to make it possible. That man was Mikhail Gorbachev. The end of what had become known as the Cold War started when Gorbachev announced he would no longer interfere in the domestic policies of other countries in Eastern Europe. This was reinforced in 1989 by withdrawing Soviet forces from Afghanistan..the Young Miss American Foundation should invite Mikhail Gorbachev to speak!!
now, this coming Friday, Wendy's Reagan Ranch Center on lower State St will welcome Sarah Palin as keynote point in refudiating her..she's a star and even I like her a little I will try to shoot her...with my know, shoot a picture... a picture of her unless she's too well protected by her handlers... and Dick Cheney, the guy who helped get us to trillions in debt and wars without end, will speak Saturday...rewarding incompetence is what these folks are all about...just like the News-Press....