(Newser) – Hasty California cattle ranchers shot dead three Hearst Castle zebras who strayed onto their property, and neighbors are aghast. The zebras—a buck, a mare and yearling—were part of a herd that roams castle grounds, the remnants of what was at one time the largest private zoo in the world, owned by the late publishing magnate William Randolf Hearst. Two of the zebras were "spooking my horses," said rancher David Fiscalini, who blasted the animals with a shotgun, then called a taxidermist to skin one of t
and second, we've heard the News-Press and #69 Julia at the Animal Rescue Team give all kinds of negative press when a Fish and Game ranger killed a bear or confiscated the lion cubs...now let's see what kind of press they give private ranchers who kill zebras for "spooking their horses and cattle".....a zebra is just a horse of a different color so why did the ranchers kill them?? this should be interesting...
Private property rights vs. needless slaughter of animals. How the News-Press covers this WILL be interesting.
Hey Mick, keep us posted on what's happening with the Independent's editor vs. publisher lawsuit. The Snooze-Press makes it sound like Santa Barbara attorney Joe Cole might want to become the Indy's next publisher. Don't forget, he was publisher of Wendy's rag for awhile. Bailed out before the meltdown.
the only thing I know about the Indy fight is the Judge has property next to mine...other than that, I know nothing...I see nothing...
The News-Press might cover the story - now that you've covered it. The News-Press still doesn't have a managing editor - someone to come up with original story ideas. Unless a story is on KEYT first, Wendy's Mess doesn't know which way to turn.
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