Thursday, January 13, 2011

something stupid...

killing floor...

Last week I praised Sarah Palin for her keen insight into corrupt non profit Defenders of Wildlife, then she goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like... using an anti-Jewish blood libel phrase when trying to defend her killing metaphors aimed at politicians....Gabrielle Giffords, one of the victims of the metaphor and a responsible gun owner, recently told Sarah Palin her thoughtless irresponsible meanderings about gun violence have consequences, and we saw those consequences in Tucson last Saturday...

another Teabagger, Sharron Angle of Nevada, said people should take "2nd amendment remedies" ie, shoot people in government if you don't like according to Sarah and Sharon, I could walk into a Santa Barbara City Council meeting and take 2nd Amendment remedies to Mike Self and Dale Francisco! don't worry Dale and Mike, I'm just using a metaphor..heh heh heh

so last night Tucson got some love from the rest of the country and we learned that Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes briefly when her pals from Congress went to visit her...who didn't cry when they heard that, or heard about the short life of 9 year old Christina Green? well, Speaker Boehner didn't..he was off hosting a cocktail fundraiser for the RNC!!

the Tea Party is directly responsible for the Tucson massacre, they just don't have the spine to admit it, the sniveling little worms....instead of hiding in her Fox News bunker, Palin should admit her stupidity and leave the public arena and go back to being a beauty queen...but she doesn't have an ounce of the courage or brains that Gabrielle Giffords has..and she certainly doesn't have the grace of Christina Green...if Sarah ever grows up, she could learn a thing or two from Christina....

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