let's catch up on the latest from the folks who are sucking up the taxpayers' money...and I've assigned other media outlets to cover these issues for me while I critique them..this leaves me more time to goof off
you may remember Santa Barbara Superior Court Judge Brian Hill granted a motion by Darryl Genis to suppress evidence in the Lance hearing and then Hill dimissed the case...the reasoning was he found no probable cause to stop Lance on New Year's Eve...even though Lance was DUI!! and Hill even said the officers had suspicion...Judge Hill is obviously a very confused man...
however, a judge in Santa Maria saw through the Genis charade real quick and found probable cause for Officer Tudor to stop Denunzio...well it looks like they got some real judges in the north...
Noozhawk reports that "Generally, a motion to suppress evidence, if granted, doesn’t leave enough evidence to proceed so cases are dismissed."....that's partly true girl.... in the Lance case, they had plenty of evidence to convict him, but the motion was entered because Genis argued the cops lacked probable cause, not because of lack of evidence!! a Motion to Suppress is a Hail Mary pass..if successful, it's a quick way to get your client off if the stop by the cop was deemed illegal and all evidence is not allowed...but Genis used it as a last resort in the Lance case and Judge Hill fell for it..there was plenty of evidence but no foundation for the trial....
now Genis is trying it as a first resort in the Denunzio case and the judge in Santa Maria didn't fall for it....they want to suppress evidence because there is plenty of it!! In the Denunzi case, Tony has got to explain why he was driving drunk and on a suspended license for a previous DUI....
and the head of a local nonprofit will be arraigned for DUI in February.....poor gal
Joe Armendariz, embattled and apparently delusional Carp city councilman "I'm doing a great job!" was arraigned in court on Wednesday for DUI...he was driving with a BAC of 0.18 and crashed into a tree....they discussed possible settlements (ie, plead guilty and accept responsibility) and enhancement of charges..the case was continued to February.....at taxpayer expense..it seems Joe simply can't control himself in certain social situations and has become a liability to the City of Carpinteria..elected councilmembers are ambassadors not embarrassadors for the city and should conduct themselves as such..if that's a problem, then stay away from public service..
yes all this irrawaddy behavior costs the taxpayer money...I'll take a look at the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association tomorrow with a focus on three members: Joe Armendariz, Lanny Ebenstein and Mike Stoker..and the ironic twist of fate that put these three amigos in similar dire straights....
Last week I went into Arturo's on upper State Street to get a haircut. It was around 4 pm. A few minutes later in walks in this older guy in a green 'Tiki Lounge' or 'Fiji Island' shirt of some kind and plops himself into the chair next to mine.
I immediately recognized him: Peter Lance. The first thing out of his mouth was some complaint about Obama. Then the next thing you know, he's telling everybody about his great tale of woe. He starts from the very beginning. "A couple of glasses of champagne" on New Year's Eve, then getting pulled over. He went through the whole story in (very loud) detail.
The guy is LOUD. I mean LOUD. I explained the story to the woman cutting my hair, and that it appears he can't seem to let go even though it's been over a year now. She said it's like never getting over an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend. You twist it into something so you can believe you did no wrong and nothing was ever your fault.
Anyway, he wouldn't stop talking. It was an endless banter with every detail and LOUD. They guy talks like everyone around him is deaf. And with no let up. It was a constant flow. He went on about Kasi Beutel and how "she's corrupt" and falsifies her arrests. How she didn't show for the hearing in Ventura. He was bad mouthing just about everyone, but especially her. In the end, he finally said (and I'm quoting exactly what he said) "I hate the police."
I've been pretty much in the middle of my opinions about this issue with the police, but after hearing him in person I leaning towards the assumption that there could be something socially wrong with this guy. Why can't he let it go? And why is he telling his story to complete strangers? Any normal person would not talk about their legal issues in public like that. I certainly wouldn't. I think that there might be something not quite right with this guy. Maybe it's all taking its toll on him and he might becoming kind of sociopathic or something.
Anyway, it was weird. I left after he had left, and people were laughing about it. But there were some comments about "corrupt cops" who are too overzealous to bust drivers who "have only had a few beers." So in the end, I suppose that's his agenda: convince the rest of the world that he is a victim and that we should all fear and "hate the police."
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