Saturday, May 5, 2012

the Emperor of Wyoming

if elected, I will not serve!

ladies and gents...I'm running for Congress!! why?? I don't know why..maybe because I hate everybody! or everyone hates me..whatever they're all sociopaths anyway!

hey did you see my latest movie? neither did I! do you know why? because Jane Fonda tea-bagged my career!! she's a traitor you know! but a lovely one and a damn fine actress, too! and join me in Summerland for a campaign fundraiser at the Sod Farm with my wealthy pal Pat Nesbitt......$99 will get you in...that $99 will also not require me to report your campaign contributions! neat huh!

By Maggie Creamer

News-Sentinel Staff Writer

Since 1998, the five Lodi City Council members have received $230,820 in combined donations. Yet the public does not know who donated 32 percent — or about $74,500 — of that money. It is also perfectly legal, though some say it’s questionable.

The California Fair Political Practices Commission requires local candidates to report any donations they receive above $100. This includes the cumulative amount per donor, so if someone makes two $50 donations, the name of the donor must be made public.

well maybe I'll run for a county supervisor seat...yeah that's sounds like fun and I'm a fun guy!! you'd love me up there..talking and doing fun things

wait...I'm bored so I'm moving to Wyoming..just ignore my name on the ballot oh I guess you can vote for me and if I win I'll be back to assume my responsibilities until I get bored again...then I'm off to Moscow

oh wait! did you know that me dropping out of the race makes me more interesting as a candidate...that makes me the most interesting person in the world!!

brrrrrring..brrrrring...'scuse me my smartphone's ringing.... hello? oh hi ! sure! I'm not doing anything. I'd love to go to ya at the airport!!

stay thirsty my friends

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