mission statement: to punitively punish each and every one of you!
I spent an hour at the Carp cemetery for Memorial Day services....there were flags and people and America was shining in the little town..and the beach was buzzing with summer fun
I made a friend and his name is Sam..Sam the Flying Horse of a Different Color you may have heard about....he was pretty cool and not at all stuffy..he was smart, too..I asked him about William the Wonder Horse and Sam said he knew William, but they traveled in different circles...I was speaking to Sam telepathically of course...he told me some secrets about William that are best left alone..for now...
oh here's a weird tale of people drinking alcohol and then trying to walk and drive...according to KEYT, a woman was killed crossing the street at Cabrillo Blvd, at night, after attending some sort of wedding party....she crossed in a non-pedestrian area and was struck and killed by a 22 year man driving an SUV..the driver blew a 0.03 BAC...that's about one drink and your driving skills will be impaired...you are under the influence regardless what the "law" says...getting behind the wheel after even one drink is just stupid.....
and after the cops put up barricades to warn other drivers about the accident, ANOTHER DRUNK DRIVER came along and crashed into them!!
I may have to take my investigations and expositions to another level... stick around...
and there's that highly respected society gal Erin Graffy popping up again (geez, this chick is like a zit!) writing fluff for the News-Press..so she's basically an airhead conservative sucking up to Wendy's ill gotten money so she can keep her name in the spotlight..isn't she the daughter of that goofy ex- politician lady....
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