Saturday, June 30, 2012


Three waitresses all wearing Black diamond earrings
Talking about zombies And Singapore slings...

The News-Press has some guy named Michael Cervin doing food reviews and he picks the Paradise Store and Grill on Highway 154 .... Cervin says "new owners assumed control of the lone outpost four years ago"  and it has a "down home quality"...then he goes on to tell readers that there is "nothing particularly remarkable about the burritos"...and that you may want to indulge in the fried onion rings, but since they don't taste like onions, they may not be worth the price...dumbass foodie wannabe, geez, does he know who owns the Paradise Store? Priscilla Susman!! the lady who caused havoc on the  Highway 154 when she drove drunk , caused a 5-car pileup and killed someone, that's who! a real down home kinda gal!!

Cervin must have read this little blurb and is totally oblivious to the drunk driving story...

When Mark Presley, who is at least 6’3” tall and sports a full beard and long hair drawn back in a ponytail, retired from 27 years of teaching preschool, he knew he was ready to try running a business of his own. But what kind? That was decided when Mark and his long time girlfriend Priscilla Susman learned that the Paradise Store was for sale. They bought it and went into business together in March of 2008.
Priscilla, who is tall and blonde, still works as an engineer, inspector and project manager in the construction business, but she hopes at some point to spend full-time at the store with Mark. In the meantime, she’s there on weekends, holidays, vacations and whenever else she can fit it in. She loves it as much as Mark does.

the Dude Abides??

next I see a story about Nippers's old pal Buddy Winston...Bud used to have a column in the News-Press back in the Dr. Laura days...Buddy I guess is a comedian...what now everyone is a comedian? but it appears that Buddy, a "Santa Barbara fixture", has moved to the Andes because  "the food is great, the water's clean, it's safe and there's no mosquitos"..hey that's the reason I moved to Carpinteria!!

and then I see I can lease a Range Rover, the favorite SUV of well-heeled drunk drivers, for $979 per month...what a deal!! geez, that's more than my that's funny!!!

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