oh I see my neighbors at Creekside Floral are teabaggers.....they are now on my radar
but the point is no action of any kind was taken against Das by the strawberry farm because it was a lame and feckless political hit job and they all back downed at the end... and had egg all over their stupid little faces...
the latest dust up is SB 1530 which Das abstained from voting until the bill was amended...that's his job...now, because the bill was covered on CNN by Anderson Cooper, and because Cooper did such a poor job of reporting any facts (CNN ratings are at an all time low so why not make things up and sensationalize), folks have jumped on the CTA and Das for supporting pedophile teachers..don't these folks ever learn??
teachers teach so here's the lesson:
In fact, CTA supported amendments to SB 1530 that would have streamlined the dismissal process. Unfortunately, Senator Padilla rejected these amendments, and kept his focus on making it easier to fire any teacher, innocent or guilty.
We cannot oversimplify this serious issue. And “AC360”’s reporting’s one-sided, almost gleeful vilification does just that. CNN didn’t follow any ethical journalistic practices, and they need to be called out.
There is an agenda at play here, one that plays directly into the hands of the Yes on 32 campaign’s dishonest promise to “get special interest money out of politics”. They want our money out of politics (but not theirs!) and will go to whatever lengths to get their way. It must be noted that the first to publish the “AC360” video clip was the Yes on 32 campaign, and the first to promote it on Twitter was Democrats for Education Reform and Gloria Romero, who support the Yes campaign and who will continue to influence politics with their charter/privatization agenda even if 32 passes.
now the thing about this is the guy running against Das, Rob Walter is asking for donations over on SantaBarbaraview.com!! he's using child abuse at the hands of the LAUSD to try and get money for his campaign!! send donations he says..what a dirtbag
Mr. Wimpy interviewed Walter and the guy is a religious wack teabagger.....it is best to keep these people out of public office since they can't be trusted to look at all aspects of an issue...
the News-Press hasn't covered the story yet because it seems they've learned their lesson, but the Santabarbaraview.com apparently has not learned their lesson...
another lame trick by the ignorant anti-union cult...this too shall pass
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