A Route of Evanescence....With a revolving Wheel--
A Resonance of Emerald--A Rush of Cochineal--
And every Blossom on the Bush-Adjusts it's* tumbled Head--
The mail from Tunis, probably,
An easy Morning's Ride--

what would Iron Eyes Cody do? that's what I always think to myself when I see litter...cry? is that all I can do is cry? well it's true I've shed my share of tears over the years, but now those tears have turned to rage, or outrage...when adults keep using myths and propaganda as fact, then I get outraged and today's outrage is at the
Botanical Garden and County Parks/roads people...

first the Botanic Garden...this nonprofit gem up by the Mission has been dragged thru the slop recently with poor management, over- paid administrators who have since skipped town, and a development plan that is shocking..SHOCKING..in its scope and size....but the really bad thing is the garden has been invaded by the nativists cult...and these bozos are writing for the
News-Press!! the latest is a guy named
Bruce Reed, the nursery manager at the garden..I will work on getting rid of this invasive specie soon, but first I must point out his idiotic article on "invasive species" ie anything that isn't labeled "native"...Bruce says that "the threat posed by invasive species to native plants and their habitats is serious"..that's code among the native-only cult for "send us more money to fight these foreigners!!"
Bruce and his ilk use lots of code words for bastard plants: they crowd out natives...they poison everything, they are insidious, they are introduced by people...in other words, invasives and non native provide too much reality for these folks to handle! and to suggest that we must remove all plants labeled invasive and non-native is crazy! because as I've said time and again, the bastard plants are supposed to be here..nature disperses them by wind, bird, coyote, human...and they are beneficial...bees like fennel, red finches like thistle.. and yet I see the county crews denuding the roadsides everytime a weed springs up...what a waste of money! cut them once a year and that will be fine..let them grow and die naturally and provide some habitat for bees and other critters....
save the roadside wildflowers...
now the thing that really sticks in my craw is these people are so intent on killing non-natives, they completely ignore the real threat to the environment:
PEOPLE WHO LITTER!! tons of litter!!
Santa Claus Lane and on the back highways, people use the roads as their personal garbage dumps..kill the non-natives but leave the litter? what kind of sense does that make?

I'm happy to say that despite all the wasted effort to kill the fennel, the thistle, the castor bean plants..all these plants survive because they are the fittest..they will always grow back stronger as the seeds spread in the warm sunshine and balmy breezes...
so we need change in focus and I would suggest the county and Bruce Reed of the Botanical Gardens..knock off the bullshit and go pick up some litter!!!
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